-/* $OpenBSD: main.c,v 1.44 2022/10/04 07:03:27 kn Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: main.c,v 1.45 2022/10/04 08:03:26 kn Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: main.c,v 1.6 1995/05/21 16:54:10 mycroft Exp $ */
int opt_tout = 0;
int opt_blksize = 0;
-char vhelp[] = "toggle verbose mode";
-char thelp[] = "toggle packet tracing";
-char chelp[] = "connect to remote tftp";
-char qhelp[] = "exit tftp";
-char hhelp[] = "print help information";
-char shelp[] = "send file";
-char rhelp[] = "receive file";
-char mhelp[] = "set file transfer mode";
-char sthelp[] = "show current status";
-char xhelp[] = "set per-packet retransmission timeout";
-char ihelp[] = "set total retransmission timeout";
-char ashelp[] = "set mode to netascii";
-char bnhelp[] = "set mode to octet";
-char oshelp[] = "toggle tsize option";
-char othelp[] = "toggle timeout option";
-char obhelp[] = "set alternative blksize option";
struct cmd {
char *name;
char *help;
struct cmd cmdtab[] = {
- { "connect", chelp, parsearg },
- { "mode", mhelp, modecmd },
- { "put", shelp, put },
- { "get", rhelp, get },
- { "quit", qhelp, quit },
- { "verbose", vhelp, setverbose },
- { "trace", thelp, settrace },
- { "status", sthelp, status },
- { "binary", bnhelp, setbinary },
- { "ascii", ashelp, setascii },
- { "rexmt", xhelp, setrexmt },
- { "timeout", ihelp, settimeout },
- { "tsize", oshelp, settsize },
- { "tout", othelp, settout },
- { "blksize", obhelp, setblksize },
- { "help", hhelp, help },
- { "?", hhelp, help },
+ { "?", "print help information", help },
+ { "ascii", "set mode to netascii", setascii },
+ { "binary", "set mode to octet", setbinary },
+ { "blksize", "set alternative blksize option", setblksize },
+ { "connect", "connect to remote tftp", parsearg },
+ { "get", "receive file", get },
+ { "help", "print help information", help },
+ { "mode", "set file transfer mode", modecmd },
+ { "put", "send file", put },
+ { "quit", "exit tftp", quit },
+ { "rexmt", "set per-packet retransmission timeout", setrexmt },
+ { "status", "show current status", status },
+ { "timeout", "set total retransmission timeout", settimeout },
+ { "tout", "toggle timeout option", settout },
+ { "trace", "toggle packet tracing", settrace },
+ { "tsize", "toggle tsize option", settsize },
+ { "verbose", "toggle verbose mode", setverbose },