-.\" $OpenBSD: init.8,v 1.49 2016/10/06 11:43:30 schwarze Exp $
+.\" $OpenBSD: init.8,v 1.50 2018/01/16 15:57:51 cheloha Exp $
.\" $NetBSD: init.8,v 1.6 1995/03/18 14:56:31 cgd Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1991, 1993
.\" @(#)init.8 8.6 (Berkeley) 5/26/95
-.Dd $Mdocdate: October 6 2016 $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: January 16 2018 $
.Dt INIT 8
A process being started to service a line is exiting quickly
each time it is started.
This is often caused by a ringing or noisy terminal line.
-.Em "Init will sleep for 10 seconds" ,
+.Em "Init will sleep for 30 seconds" ,
.Em "then continue trying to start the process" .
.It "some processes would not die; ps axl advised."
A process