-.\" $OpenBSD: pkg_create.1,v 1.46 2008/04/07 12:30:04 espie Exp $
+.\" $OpenBSD: pkg_create.1,v 1.47 2008/07/25 19:39:40 ian Exp $
.\" Documentation and design originally from FreeBSD. All the code has
.\" been rewritten since. We keep the documentation's notice:
.\" [jkh] Took John's changes back and made some additional extensions for
.\" better integration with FreeBSD's new ports collection.
-.Dd $Mdocdate: April 7 2008 $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: July 25 2008 $
.It Cm @arch Ar arches
List of architectures for which this package is intended.
+.It Cm @bin Ar filename
+Describe the file as an
+binary executable (not a script).
.It Cm @comment Ar string
Imbed a comment in the packing list.
Useful in trying to document some particularly hairy sequence that