-# $OpenBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.172 2023/02/21 14:39:35 deraadt Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.173 2023/02/27 14:59:33 deraadt Exp $
# $NetBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.35 1995/10/16 23:49:07 jtc Exp $
# @(#)Makefile.inc 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/17/93
# stack protector helper functions
SRCS+= stack_protector.c
+# Extract execve stub size for static binary pinsyscall(2) in dlfcn/init.c
+SRCS+= _execvesize.c
+_execvesize.c: execve.o execve.po
+ readelf -s execve.po | awk \
+ '/ execve$$/{ printf("#ifdef _PROFILE\nconst int _execve_size = %d;\n", $$3); }' > $@
+ readelf -s execve.o | awk \
+ '/ execve$$/{ printf("#else\nconst int _execve_size = %d;\n#endif\n", $$3); }' >> $@
+# _libc_preinit() needs to know if compiled with or without profiling
+ @echo "${COMPILE.c} -D_PROFILE ${.IMPSRC} -o ${.TARGET}"
+ @-mv $@.d $*.d
+ @${LD} -X -r ${.TARGET}.o -o ${.TARGET}
+ @rm -f ${.TARGET}.o
# cancelation details
SRCS+= canceled.c