struct atom_integrated_system_info_v1_11 v11;
struct atom_integrated_system_info_v1_12 v12;
struct atom_integrated_system_info_v2_1 v21;
+ struct atom_integrated_system_info_v2_3 v23;
union umc_info {
if (vram_type)
*vram_type = convert_atom_mem_type_to_vram_type(adev, mem_type);
+ case 3:
+ mem_channel_number = igp_info->v23.umachannelnumber;
+ if (!mem_channel_number)
+ mem_channel_number = 1;
+ mem_type = igp_info->v23.memorytype;
+ if (mem_type == LpDdr5MemType)
+ mem_channel_width = 32;
+ else
+ mem_channel_width = 64;
+ if (vram_width)
+ *vram_width = mem_channel_number * mem_channel_width;
+ if (vram_type)
+ *vram_type = convert_atom_mem_type_to_vram_type(adev, mem_type);
+ break;
return -EINVAL;
uint32_t reserved4[189];
+struct uma_carveout_option {
+ char optionName[29]; //max length of string is 28chars + '\0'. Current design is for "minimum", "Medium", "High". This makes entire struct size 64bits
+ uint8_t memoryCarvedGb; //memory carved out with setting
+ uint8_t memoryRemainingGb; //memory remaining on system
+ union {
+ struct _flags {
+ uint8_t Auto : 1;
+ uint8_t Custom : 1;
+ uint8_t Reserved : 6;
+ } flags;
+ uint8_t all8;
+ } uma_carveout_option_flags;
+struct atom_integrated_system_info_v2_3 {
+ struct atom_common_table_header table_header;
+ uint32_t vbios_misc; // enum of atom_system_vbiosmisc_def
+ uint32_t gpucapinfo; // enum of atom_system_gpucapinf_def
+ uint32_t system_config;
+ uint32_t cpucapinfo;
+ uint16_t gpuclk_ss_percentage; // unit of 0.001%, 1000 mean 1%
+ uint16_t gpuclk_ss_type;
+ uint16_t dpphy_override; // bit vector, enum of atom_sysinfo_dpphy_override_def
+ uint8_t memorytype; // enum of atom_dmi_t17_mem_type_def, APU memory type indication.
+ uint8_t umachannelnumber; // number of memory channels
+ uint8_t htc_hyst_limit;
+ uint8_t htc_tmp_limit;
+ uint8_t reserved1; // dp_ss_control
+ uint8_t gpu_package_id;
+ struct edp_info_table edp1_info;
+ struct edp_info_table edp2_info;
+ uint32_t reserved2[8];
+ struct atom_external_display_connection_info extdispconninfo;
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutVersion;
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutIndexMax;
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutTypeDefault;
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutIndexDefault;
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutType; //Auto or Custom
+ uint8_t UMACarveoutIndex;
+ struct uma_carveout_option UMASizeControlOption[20];
+ uint8_t reserved3[110];
// system_config
enum atom_system_vbiosmisc_def{