-.\" $OpenBSD: kill.1,v 1.37 2014/10/13 09:27:22 dlg Exp $
+.\" $OpenBSD: kill.1,v 1.38 2015/01/16 21:31:27 millert Exp $
.\" $NetBSD: kill.1,v 1.8 1995/09/07 06:30:26 jtc Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 1980, 1990, 1993
.\" @(#)kill.1 8.2 (Berkeley) 4/28/95
-.Dd $Mdocdate: October 13 2014 $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: January 16 2015 $
.Dt KILL 1
.It \-1
If superuser, broadcast the signal to all processes; otherwise, broadcast
to all processes belonging to the user.
+.It 0
+Send the signal to all processes whose group ID is equal to the
+process group ID of the sender, and for which the process has permission.
.It \- Ns Ar pgid
Send the signal to all processes within the specified process group.