#!/bin/sh -
-# $OpenBSD: netstart,v 1.168 2016/03/27 20:32:42 sthen Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: netstart,v 1.169 2016/07/19 08:03:01 mpi Exp $
# Turn off Strict Bourne shell mode.
set +o sh
# Configure all the non-loopback interfaces which we know about, but
# do not start interfaces which must be delayed. Refer to hostname.if(5)
-ifmstart "" "trunk svlan vlan carp gif gre pfsync pppoe tun tap bridge pflow"
+ifmstart "" "trunk svlan vlan carp gif gre pfsync pppoe tun bridge pflow"
# The trunk interfaces need to come up first in this list.
# The (s)vlan interfaces need to come up after trunk.
# require routes to be set. TUN might depend on PPPoE, and GIF or GRE may
# depend on either of them. PFLOW might bind to ip addresses configured
# on either of them.
-ifmstart "pppoe tun tap gif gre bridge pflow"
+ifmstart "pppoe tun gif gre bridge pflow"
# Reject 127/8 other than
route -qn add -net 127 -reject >/dev/null