# ex:ts=8 sw=4:
-# $OpenBSD: PackingElement.pm,v 1.224 2014/01/07 13:52:43 espie Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: PackingElement.pm,v 1.225 2014/01/07 18:35:23 espie Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Marc Espie <espie@openbsd.org>
sub category() { "signer" }
+sub new
+ my ($class, $args) = @_;
+ unless ($args =~ m/^[\w\d\.\-\+\@]+$/) {
+ die "Invalid characters in signer $args\n";
+ }
+ $class->SUPER::new($args);
# XXX digital-signatures have to be unique, since they are a part
# of the unsigned packing-list, with only the b64sig part removed
# (likewise for signer)