-.\" $OpenBSD: pkg_create.1,v 1.101 2016/04/25 10:16:33 espie Exp $
+.\" $OpenBSD: pkg_create.1,v 1.102 2016/06/28 15:30:29 espie Exp $
.\" Documentation and design originally from FreeBSD. All the code has
.\" been rewritten since. We keep the documentation's notice:
.\" [jkh] Took John's changes back and made some additional extensions for
.\" better integration with FreeBSD's new ports collection.
-.Dd $Mdocdate: April 25 2016 $
+.Dd $Mdocdate: June 28 2016 $
needs updating.
With this option, the package is updated whenever anything changes.
To be used sparingly, as this is more expensive.
+.It Ar is-branch
+Annotate the few rare ports where several branches are present in the
+ports tree (such as autoconf), to help
+.Xr pkg_info 1
+.Ar stem Ns % Ns Ar branch
+annotations when needed.
.It Ar no-default-conflict
By default, a package conflicts with other versions of the same package.
With this option, the older package version will still be noticed, but the