Extract the HID specific pieces from ucc(4) into hidcc. First steps
authoranton <anton@openbsd.org>
Fri, 11 Nov 2022 06:46:48 +0000 (06:46 +0000)
committeranton <anton@openbsd.org>
Fri, 11 Nov 2022 06:46:48 +0000 (06:46 +0000)
toward attaching hidcc over i2c.

ok matthieu@

sys/dev/hid/hidcc.c [new file with mode: 0644]
sys/dev/hid/hidccvar.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 438f076..351bc5b 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#      $OpenBSD: files.hid,v 1.2 2016/01/20 01:26:00 jcs Exp $
+#      $OpenBSD: files.hid,v 1.3 2022/11/11 06:46:48 anton Exp $
 # Human Interface Devices
@@ -20,3 +20,7 @@ file  dev/hid/hidms.c                 hidms
 # Multitouch
 define hidmt
 file   dev/hid/hidmt.c                 hidmt
+# Consumer Control keyboards
+define hidcc
+file   dev/hid/hidcc.c                 hidcc
diff --git a/sys/dev/hid/hidcc.c b/sys/dev/hid/hidcc.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..eb27f0b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1199 @@
+/*     $OpenBSD: hidcc.c,v 1.1 2022/11/11 06:46:48 anton Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Anton Lindqvist <anton@openbsd.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/malloc.h>
+#include <dev/hid/hidccvar.h>
+#include <dev/hid/hid.h>
+#include <dev/wscons/wsconsio.h>
+#include <dev/wscons/wskbdvar.h>
+#include <dev/wscons/wsksymdef.h>
+#include <dev/wscons/wsksymvar.h>
+#define DEVNAME(sc)    ((sc)->sc_dev->dv_xname)
+/* #define HIDCC_DEBUG */
+#define DPRINTF(x...)  do { if (hidcc_debug) printf(x); } while (0)
+struct hidcc;
+void   hidcc_dump(struct hidcc *, const char *, uint8_t *, u_int);
+int    hidcc_debug = 1;
+#define DPRINTF(x...)
+#define hidcc_dump(sc, prefix, data, len)
+struct hidcc {
+       struct device                    *sc_dev;
+       struct device                    *sc_wskbddev;
+       /* Key mappings used in translating mode. */
+       keysym_t                         *sc_map;
+       u_int                             sc_maplen;
+       u_int                             sc_mapsiz;
+       /* Key mappings used in raw mode. */
+       const struct hidcc_keysym       **sc_raw;
+       u_int                             sc_rawsiz;
+       u_int                             sc_nusages;
+       int                               sc_isarray;
+       int                               sc_mode;
+       /*
+        * Slice of the interrupt buffer which represents a pressed key.
+        * See section 8 (Report Protocol) of the HID specification v1.11.
+        */
+       struct {
+               uint8_t *i_buf;
+               uint32_t i_bufsiz;
+               uint32_t i_off;         /* offset in bits */
+               uint32_t i_len;         /* length in bits */
+       } sc_input;
+       struct {
+               uint32_t        v_inc;  /* volume increment bit offset */
+               uint32_t        v_dec;  /* volume decrement bit offset */
+               uint32_t        v_off;  /* offset in bits */
+               uint32_t        v_len;  /* length in bits */
+       } sc_volume;
+       /* Last pressed key. */
+       union {
+               int     sc_last_translate;
+               u_char  sc_last_raw;
+       };
+       /*
+        * Only the first element is populated whereas the second remains zeroed
+        * out since such trailing sentinel is required by wskbd_load_keymap().
+        */
+       struct wscons_keydesc             sc_keydesc[2];
+       struct wskbd_mapdata              sc_keymap;
+       int                               (*sc_enable)(void *, int);
+       void                             *sc_arg;
+struct hidcc_keysym {
+       const char      *ks_name;
+       int32_t          ks_usage;
+       keysym_t         ks_key;
+       u_char           ks_raw;
+ * Mapping of HID Consumer Control usages to key symbols based on the HID Usage
+ * Tables 1.21 specification. The same usages can also be found at
+ * /usr/share/misc/usb_hid_usages.
+ * The raw scan codes are taken from X11, see the media_nav_acpi_common symbols
+ * in dist/xkeyboard-config/symbols/inet.
+ * Then use dist/xkeyboard-config/keycodes/xfree86 to resolve keys to the
+ * corresponding raw scan code.
+ */
+static const struct hidcc_keysym hidcc_keysyms[] = {
+#define Y(usage, name, key, raw)       { name, usage, key, raw },
+#define Y(usage, name, key, raw)       { usage, key, raw },
+#define N(usage, name, key, raw)
+       /* 0x0000 Unassigned */
+       N(0x0001,       "Consumer Control",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0002,       "Numeric Key Pad",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0003,       "Programmable Buttons",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0004,       "Microphone",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0005,       "Headphone",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0006,       "Graphic Equalizer",                            0,              0)
+       /* 0x0007-0x001F Reserved */
+       N(0x0020,       "+10",                                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0021,       "+100",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0022,       "AM/PM",                                        0,              0)
+       /* 0x0023-0x002F Reserved */
+       Y(0x0030,       "Power",                                        0,              222 /* I5E = XF86PowerOff */)
+       N(0x0031,       "Reset",                                        0,              0)
+       Y(0x0032,       "Sleep",                                        0,              150 /* I16 = XF86Sleep */)
+       N(0x0033,       "Sleep After",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0034,       "Sleep Mode",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0035,       "Illumination",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0036,       "Function Buttons",                             0,              0)
+       /* 0x0037-0x003F Reserved */
+       N(0x0040,       "Menu",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0041,       "Menu Pick",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0042,       "Menu Up",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0043,       "Menu Down",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0044,       "Menu Left",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0045,       "Menu Right",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0046,       "Menu Escape",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0047,       "Menu Value Increase",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0048,       "Menu Value Decrease",                          0,              0)
+       /* 0x0049-0x005F Reserved */
+       N(0x0060,       "Data On Screen",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0061,       "Closed Caption",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0062,       "Closed Caption Select",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0063,       "VCR/TV",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0064,       "Broadcast Mode",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0065,       "Snapshot",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0066,       "Still",                                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0067,       "Picture-in-Picture Toggle",                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0068,       "Picture-in-Picture Swap",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0069,       "Red Menu Button",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x006A,       "Green Menu Button",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x006B,       "Blue Menu Button",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x006C,       "Yellow Menu Button",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x006D,       "Aspect",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x006E,       "3D Mode Select",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x006F,       "Display Brightness Increment",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0070,       "Display Brightness Decrement",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0071,       "Display Brightness",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0072,       "Display Backlight Toggle",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0073,       "Display Set Brightness to Minimum",            0,              0)
+       N(0x0074,       "Display Set Brightness to Maximum",            0,              0)
+       N(0x0075,       "Display Set Auto Brightness",                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0076,       "Camera Access Enabled",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0077,       "Camera Access Disabled",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0078,       "Camera Access Toggle",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0079,       "Keyboard Brightness Increment",                0,              0)
+       N(0x007A,       "Keyboard Brightness Decrement",                0,              0)
+       N(0x007B,       "Keyboard Backlight Set Level",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x007C,       "Keyboard Backlight OOC",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x007D,       "Keyboard Backlight Set Minimum",               0,              0)
+       N(0x007E,       "Keyboard Backlight Set Maximum",               0,              0)
+       N(0x007F,       "Keyboard Backlight Auto",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0080,       "Selection",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0081,       "Assign Selection",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0082,       "Mode Step",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0083,       "Recall Last",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0084,       "Enter Channel",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0085,       "Order Movie",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0086,       "Channel",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0087,       "Media Selection",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0088,       "Media Select Computer",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0089,       "Media Select TV",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x008A,       "Media Select WWW",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x008B,       "Media Select DVD",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x008C,       "Media Select Telephone",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x008D,       "Media Select Program Guide",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x008E,       "Media Select Video Phone",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x008F,       "Media Select Games",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0090,       "Media Select Messages",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0091,       "Media Select CD",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0092,       "Media Select VCR",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0093,       "Media Select Tuner",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0094,       "Quit",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0095,       "Help",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0096,       "Media Select Tape",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0097,       "Media Select Cable",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0098,       "Media Select Satellite",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0099,       "Media Select Security",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x009A,       "Media Select Home",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x009B,       "Media Select Call",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x009C,       "Channel Increment",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x009D,       "Channel Decrement",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x009E,       "Media Select SAP",                             0,              0)
+       /* 0x009F-0x009F Reserved */
+       N(0x00A0,       "VCR Plus",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x00A1,       "Once",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x00A2,       "Daily",                                        0,              0)
+       N(0x00A3,       "Weekly",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x00A4,       "Monthly",                                      0,              0)
+       /* 0x00A5-0x00AF Reserved */
+       N(0x00B0,       "Play",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x00B1,       "Pause",                                        0,              0)
+       N(0x00B2,       "Record",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x00B3,       "Fast Forward",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00B4,       "Rewind",                                       0,              0)
+       Y(0x00B5,       "Scan Next Track",                              0,              153 /* I19 = XF86AudioNext */)
+       Y(0x00B6,       "Scan Previous Track",                          0,              144 /* I10 = XF86AudioPrev */)
+       Y(0x00B7,       "Stop",                                         0,              164 /* I24 = XF86AudioStop */)
+       Y(0x00B8,       "Eject",                                        0,              170 /* K5A = XF86Eject */)
+       N(0x00B9,       "Random Play",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x00BA,       "Select Disc",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x00BB,       "Enter Disc",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x00BC,       "Repeat",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x00BD,       "Tracking",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x00BE,       "Track Normal",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00BF,       "Slow Tracking",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00C0,       "Frame Forward",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00C1,       "Frame Back",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x00C2,       "Mark",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x00C3,       "Clear Mark",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x00C4,       "Repeat From Mark",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x00C5,       "Return To Mark",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x00C6,       "Search Mark Forward",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x00C7,       "Search Mark Backwards",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x00C8,       "Counter Reset",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00C9,       "Show Counter",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00CA,       "Tracking Increment",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x00CB,       "Tracking Decrement",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x00CC,       "Stop/Eject",                                   0,              0)
+       Y(0x00CD,       "Play/Pause",                                   0,              162 /* I22 = XF86AudioPlay */)
+       N(0x00CE,       "Play/Skip",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x00CF,       "Voice Command",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00D0,       "Invoke Capture Interface",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x00D1,       "Start or Stop Game Recording",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00D2,       "Historical Game Capture",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x00D3,       "Capture Game Screenshot",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x00D4,       "Show or Hide Recording Indicator",             0,              0)
+       N(0x00D5,       "Start or Stop Microphone Capture",             0,              0)
+       N(0x00D6,       "Start or Stop Camera Capture",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00D7,       "Start or Stop Game Broadcast",                 0,              0)
+       /* 0x00D8-0x00DF Reserved */
+       N(0x00E0,       "Volume",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x00E1,       "Balance",                                      0,              0)
+       Y(0x00E2,       "Mute",                                         KS_AudioMute,   160 /* I20 = XF86AudioMute */)
+       N(0x00E3,       "Bass",                                         0,              0)
+       N(0x00E4,       "Treble",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x00E5,       "Bass Boost",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x00E6,       "Surround Mode",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00E7,       "Loudness",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x00E8,       "MPX",                                          0,              0)
+       Y(0x00E9,       "Volume Increment",                             KS_AudioRaise,  176 /* I30 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume */)
+       Y(0x00EA,       "Volume Decrement",                             KS_AudioLower,  174 /* I2E = XF86AudioLowerVolume */)
+       /* 0x00EB-0x00EF Reserved */
+       N(0x00F0,       "Speed Select",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x00F1,       "Playback Speed",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x00F2,       "Standard Play",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00F3,       "Long Play",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x00F4,       "Extended Play",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x00F5,       "Slow",                                         0,              0)
+       /* 0x00F6-0x00FF Reserved */
+       N(0x0100,       "Fan Enable",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0101,       "Fan Speed",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0102,       "Light Enable",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0103,       "Light Illumination Level",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0104,       "Climate Control Enable",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0105,       "Room Temperature",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0106,       "Security Enable",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0107,       "Fire Alarm",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0108,       "Police Alarm",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0109,       "Proximity",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x010A,       "Motion",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x010B,       "Duress Alarm",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x010C,       "Holdup Alarm",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x010D,       "Medical Alarm",                                0,              0)
+       /* 0x010E-0x014F Reserved */
+       N(0x0150,       "Balance Right",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0151,       "Balance Left",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0152,       "Bass Increment",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0153,       "Bass Decrement",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0154,       "Treble Increment",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0155,       "Treble Decrement",                             0,              0)
+       /* 0x0156-0x015F Reserved */
+       N(0x0160,       "Speaker System",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0161,       "Channel Left",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0162,       "Channel Right",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0163,       "Channel Center",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0164,       "Channel Front",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0165,       "Channel Center Front",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x0166,       "Channel Side",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0167,       "Channel Surround",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0168,       "Channel Low Frequency Enhancement",            0,              0)
+       N(0x0169,       "Channel Top",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x016A,       "Channel Unknown",                              0,              0)
+       /* 0x016B-0x016F Reserved */
+       N(0x0170,       "Sub-channel",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0171,       "Sub-channel Increment",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0172,       "Sub-channel Decrement",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0173,       "Alternate Audio Increment",                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0174,       "Alternate Audio Decrement",                    0,              0)
+       /* 0x0175-0x017F Reserved */
+       N(0x0180,       "Application Launch Buttons",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0181,       "AL Launch Button Configuration Tool",          0,              0)
+       N(0x0182,       "AL Programmable Button Configuration",         0,              0)
+       N(0x0183,       "AL Consumer Control Configuration",            0,              0)
+       N(0x0184,       "AL Word Processor",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0185,       "AL Text Editor",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0186,       "AL Spreadsheet",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0187,       "AL Graphics Editor",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0188,       "AL Presentation App",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0189,       "AL Database App",                              0,              0)
+       Y(0x018A,       "AL Email Reader",                              0,              235 /* I6C = XF86Mail */)
+       N(0x018B,       "AL Newsreader",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x018C,       "AL Voicemail",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x018D,       "AL Contacts/Address Book",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x018E,       "AL Calendar/Schedule",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x018F,       "AL Task/Project Manager",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0190,       "AL Log/Journal/Timecard",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0191,       "AL Checkbook/Finance",                         0,              0)
+       Y(0x0192,       "AL Calculator",                                0,              161 /* I21 = XF86Calculator */)
+       N(0x0193,       "AL A/V Capture/Playback",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0194,       "AL Local Machine Browser",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0195,       "AL LAN/WAN Browser",                           0,              0)
+       Y(0x0196,       "AL Internet Browser",                          0,              178 /* I32 = XF86WWW */)
+       N(0x0197,       "AL Remote Networking/ISP Connect",             0,              0)
+       N(0x0198,       "AL Network Conference",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0199,       "AL Network Chat",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x019A,       "AL Telephony/Dialer",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x019B,       "AL Logon",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x019C,       "AL Logoff",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x019D,       "AL Logon/Logoff",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x019E,       "AL Terminal Lock/Screensaver",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x019F,       "AL Control Panel",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x01A0,       "AL Command Line Processor/Run",                0,              0)
+       N(0x01A1,       "AL Process/Task Manager",                      0,              0)
+       N(0x01A2,       "AL Select Task/Application",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x01A3,       "AL Next Task/Application",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x01A4,       "AL Previous Task/Application",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x01A5,       "AL Preemptive Halt Task/Application",          0,              0)
+       N(0x01A6,       "AL Integrated Help Center",                    0,              0)
+       N(0x01A7,       "AL My Documents",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01A8,       "AL Thesaurus",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x01A9,       "AL Dictionary",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x01AA,       "AL Desktop",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x01AB,       "AC Spell",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x01AC,       "AL Grammar Check",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x01AD,       "AL Wireless Status",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x01AE,       "AL Keyboard Layout",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x01AF,       "AL Virus Protection",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x01B0,       "AL Encryption",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x01B1,       "AL Screen Saver",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01B2,       "AL Alarms",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x01B3,       "AL Clock",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x01B4,       "AL File Browser",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01B5,       "AL Power Status",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01B6,       "AL My Pictures",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x01B7,       "AL My Music",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x01B8,       "AL Movie Browser",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x01B9,       "AL Digital Rights Manager",                    0,              0)
+       N(0x01BA,       "AL Digital Wallet",                            0,              0)
+       /* 0x01BB-0x01BB Reserved */
+       N(0x01BC,       "AL Instant Messaging",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x01BD,       "AL OEM Feature/Tips/Tutorial Browser",         0,              0)
+       N(0x01BE,       "AL OEM Help",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x01BF,       "AL Online Community",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x01C0,       "AL Entertainment Content Browser",             0,              0)
+       N(0x01C1,       "AL Online Shopping Browser",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x01C2,       "AL SmartCard Information/Help",                0,              0)
+       N(0x01C3,       "AL Market Monitor/Finance Browser",            0,              0)
+       N(0x01C4,       "AL Customized Corporate News Browser",         0,              0)
+       N(0x01C5,       "AL Online Activity Browser",                   0,              0)
+       Y(0x01C6,       "AL Research/Search Browser",                   0,              229 /* I65 = XF86Search */)
+       N(0x01C7,       "AL Audio Player",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01C8,       "AL Message Status",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x01C9,       "AL Contact Sync",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x01CA,       "AL Navigation",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x01CB,       "AL Context-aware Desktop Assistant",           0,              0)
+       /* 0x01CC-0x01FF Reserved */
+       N(0x0200,       "Generic GUI Application Controls",             0,              0)
+       N(0x0201,       "AC New",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0202,       "AC Open",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0203,       "AC Close",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0204,       "AC Exit",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0205,       "AC Maximize",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0206,       "AC Minimize",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0207,       "AC Save",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0208,       "AC Print",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0209,       "AC Properties",                                0,              0)
+       /* 0x020A-0x0219 Reserved */
+       N(0x021A,       "AC Undo",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x021B,       "AC Copy",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x021C,       "AC Cut",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x021D,       "AC Paste",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x021E,       "AC Select All",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x021F,       "AC Find",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0220,       "AC Find and Replace",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0221,       "AC Search",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0222,       "AC Go To",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x0223,       "AC Home",                                      0,              0)
+       Y(0x0224,       "AC Back",                                      0,              234 /* I6A = XF86Back */)
+       Y(0x0225,       "AC Forward",                                   0,              233 /* I69 = XF86Forward */)
+       Y(0x0226,       "AC Stop",                                      0,              232 /* I68 = XF86Stop */)
+       Y(0x0227,       "AC Refresh",                                   0,              231 /* I67 = XF86Reload */)
+       N(0x0228,       "AC Previous Link",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0229,       "AC Next Link",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x022A,       "AC Bookmarks",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x022B,       "AC History",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x022C,       "AC Subscriptions",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x022D,       "AC Zoom In",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x022E,       "AC Zoom Out",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x022F,       "AC Zoom",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x0230,       "AC Full Screen View",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0231,       "AC Normal View",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0232,       "AC View Toggle",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0233,       "AC Scroll Up",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0234,       "AC Scroll Down",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0235,       "AC Scroll",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0236,       "AC Pan Left",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0237,       "AC Pan Right",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0238,       "AC Pan",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0239,       "AC New Window",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x023A,       "AC Tile Horizontally",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x023B,       "AC Tile Vertically",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x023C,       "AC Format",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x023D,       "AC Edit",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x023E,       "AC Bold",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x023F,       "AC Italics",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0240,       "AC Underline",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0241,       "AC Strikethrough",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0242,       "AC Subscript",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0243,       "AC Superscript",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0244,       "AC All Caps",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0245,       "AC Rotate",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0246,       "AC Resize",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0247,       "AC Flip Horizontal",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0248,       "AC Flip Vertical",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0249,       "AC Mirror Horizontal",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x024A,       "AC Mirror Vertical",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x024B,       "AC Font Select",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x024C,       "AC Font Color",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x024D,       "AC Font Size",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x024E,       "AC Justify Left",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x024F,       "AC Justify Center H",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0250,       "AC Justify Right",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0251,       "AC Justify Block H",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0252,       "AC Justify Top",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0253,       "AC Justify Center V",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0254,       "AC Justify Bottom",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0255,       "AC Justify Block V",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0256,       "AC Justify Decrease",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0257,       "AC Justify Increase",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0258,       "AC Numbered List",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0259,       "AC Restart Numbering",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x025A,       "AC Bulleted List",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x025B,       "AC Promote",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x025C,       "AC Demote",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x025D,       "AC Yes",                                       0,              0)
+       N(0x025E,       "AC No",                                        0,              0)
+       N(0x025F,       "AC Cancel",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0260,       "AC Catalog",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0261,       "AC Buy/Checkout",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0262,       "AC Add to Cart",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0263,       "AC Expand",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0264,       "AC Expand All",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0265,       "AC Collapse",                                  0,              0)
+       N(0x0266,       "AC Collapse All",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0267,       "AC Print Preview",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0268,       "AC Paste Special",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0269,       "AC Insert Mode",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x026A,       "AC Delete",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x026B,       "AC Lock",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x026C,       "AC Unlock",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x026D,       "AC Protect",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x026E,       "AC Unprotect",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x026F,       "AC Attach Comment",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0270,       "AC Delete Comment",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0271,       "AC View Comment",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0272,       "AC Select Word",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0273,       "AC Select Sentence",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0274,       "AC Select Paragraph",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0275,       "AC Select Column",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0276,       "AC Select Row",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0277,       "AC Select Table",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0278,       "AC Select Object",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0279,       "AC Redo/Repeat",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x027A,       "AC Sort",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x027B,       "AC Sort Ascending",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x027C,       "AC Sort Descending",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x027D,       "AC Filter",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x027E,       "AC Set Clock",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x027F,       "AC View Clock",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0280,       "AC Select Time Zone",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0281,       "AC Edit Time Zones",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0282,       "AC Set Alarm",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0283,       "AC Clear Alarm",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0284,       "AC Snooze Alarm",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0285,       "AC Reset Alarm",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0286,       "AC Synchronize",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0287,       "AC Send/Receive",                              0,              0)
+       N(0x0288,       "AC Send To",                                   0,              0)
+       N(0x0289,       "AC Reply",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x028A,       "AC Reply All",                                 0,              0)
+       N(0x028B,       "AC Forward Message",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x028C,       "AC Send",                                      0,              0)
+       N(0x028D,       "AC Attach File",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x028E,       "AC Upload",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x028F,       "AC Download (Save Target As)",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x0290,       "AC Set Borders",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0291,       "AC Insert Row",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0292,       "AC Insert Column",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0293,       "AC Insert File",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0294,       "AC Insert Picture",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0295,       "AC Insert Object",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0296,       "AC Insert Symbol",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0297,       "AC Save and Close",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0298,       "AC Rename",                                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0299,       "AC Merge",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x029A,       "AC Split",                                     0,              0)
+       N(0x029B,       "AC Distribute Horizontally",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x029C,       "AC Distribute Vertically",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x029D,       "AC Next Keyboard Layout Select",               0,              0)
+       N(0x029E,       "AC Navigation Guidance",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x029F,       "AC Desktop Show All Windows",                  0,              0)
+       N(0x02A0,       "AC Soft Key Left",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x02A1,       "AC Soft Key Right",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x02A2,       "AC Desktop Show All Applications",             0,              0)
+       /* 0x02A3-0x02AF Reserved */
+       N(0x02B0,       "AC Idle Keep Alive",                           0,              0)
+       /* 0x02B1-0x02BF Reserved */
+       N(0x02C0,       "Extended Keyboard Attributes Collection",      0,              0)
+       N(0x02C1,       "Keyboard Form Factor",                         0,              0)
+       N(0x02C2,       "Keyboard Key Type",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x02C3,       "Keyboard Physical Layout",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x02C4,       "Vendor-Specific Keyboard Physical Layout",     0,              0)
+       N(0x02C5,       "Keyboard IETF Language Tag Index",             0,              0)
+       N(0x02C6,       "Implemented Keyboard Input Assist Controls",   0,              0)
+       N(0x02C7,       "Keyboard Input Assist Previous",               0,              0)
+       N(0x02C8,       "Keyboard Input Assist Next",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x02C9,       "Keyboard Input Assist Previous Group",         0,              0)
+       N(0x02CA,       "Keyboard Input Assist Next Group",             0,              0)
+       N(0x02CB,       "Keyboard Input Assist Accept",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x02CC,       "Keyboard Input Assist Cancel",                 0,              0)
+       /* 0x02CD-0x02CF Reserved */
+       N(0x02D0,       "Privacy Screen Toggle",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x02D1,       "Privacy Screen Level Decrement",               0,              0)
+       N(0x02D2,       "Privacy Screen Level Increment",               0,              0)
+       N(0x02D3,       "Privacy Screen Level Minimum",                 0,              0)
+       N(0x02D4,       "Privacy Screen Level Maximum",                 0,              0)
+       /* 0x02D5-0x04FF Reserved */
+       N(0x0500,       "Contact Edited",                               0,              0)
+       N(0x0501,       "Contact Added",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0502,       "Contact Record Active",                        0,              0)
+       N(0x0503,       "Contact Index",                                0,              0)
+       N(0x0504,       "Contact Nickname",                             0,              0)
+       N(0x0505,       "Contact First Name",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0506,       "Contact Last Name",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0507,       "Contact Full Name",                            0,              0)
+       N(0x0508,       "Contact Phone Number Personal",                0,              0)
+       N(0x0509,       "Contact Phone Number Business",                0,              0)
+       N(0x050A,       "Contact Phone Number Mobile",                  0,              0)
+       N(0x050B,       "Contact Phone Number Pager",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x050C,       "Contact Phone Number Fax",                     0,              0)
+       N(0x050D,       "Contact Phone Number Other",                   0,              0)
+       N(0x050E,       "Contact Email Personal",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x050F,       "Contact Email Business",                       0,              0)
+       N(0x0510,       "Contact Email Other",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0511,       "Contact Email Main",                           0,              0)
+       N(0x0512,       "Contact Speed Dial Number",                    0,              0)
+       N(0x0513,       "Contact Status Flag",                          0,              0)
+       N(0x0514,       "Contact Misc.",                                0,              0)
+       /* 0x0515-0xFFFF Reserved */
+#undef Y
+#undef N
+void   hidcc_attach_wskbd(struct hidcc *);
+int    hidcc_enable(void *, int);
+void   hidcc_set_leds(void *, int);
+int    hidcc_ioctl(void *, u_long, caddr_t, int, struct proc *);
+int    hidcc_parse(struct hidcc *, void *, int, int, int);
+int    hidcc_parse_array(struct hidcc *, const struct hid_item *);
+int    hidcc_is_array(const struct hid_item *);
+int    hidcc_add_key(struct hidcc *, int32_t, u_int);
+int    hidcc_add_key_volume(struct hidcc *, const struct hid_item *, uint32_t,
+    u_int);
+int    hidcc_bit_to_sym(struct hidcc *, u_int, const struct hidcc_keysym **);
+int    hidcc_usage_to_sym(int32_t, const struct hidcc_keysym **);
+int    hidcc_bits_to_int(uint8_t *, u_int, int32_t *);
+int    hidcc_bits_to_volume(struct hidcc *, uint8_t *, int, u_int *);
+int    hidcc_intr_slice(struct hidcc *, uint8_t *, uint8_t *, int *);
+void   hidcc_input(struct hidcc *, u_int, int);
+void   hidcc_rawinput(struct hidcc *, u_char, int);
+int    hidcc_setbits(struct hidcc *, uint8_t *, int, u_int *);
+ * Returns non-zero if the given report ID has at least one Consumer Control
+ * usage.
+ */
+hidcc_match(void *desc, int descsiz, uint8_t repid)
+       struct hid_item hi;
+       struct hid_data *hd;
+       int32_t maxusage = 0;
+       hd = hid_start_parse(desc, descsiz, hid_input);
+       while (hid_get_item(hd, &hi)) {
+               if (hi.report_ID == repid &&
+                   hi.kind == hid_input &&
+                   HID_GET_USAGE_PAGE(hi.usage) == HUP_CONSUMER) {
+                       if (HID_GET_USAGE(hi.usage_maximum) > maxusage)
+                               maxusage = HID_GET_USAGE(hi.usage_maximum);
+                       else if (HID_GET_USAGE(hi.usage) > maxusage)
+                               maxusage = HID_GET_USAGE(hi.usage);
+               }
+       }
+       hid_end_parse(hd);
+       return maxusage > 0;
+struct hidcc *
+hidcc_attach(const struct hidcc_attach_arg *hca)
+       struct hidcc *sc;
+       int error;
+       sc = malloc(sizeof(*sc), M_USBDEV, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+       sc->sc_dev = hca->device;
+       sc->sc_mode = WSKBD_TRANSLATED;
+       sc->sc_last_translate = -1;
+       sc->sc_enable = hca->enable;
+       sc->sc_arg = hca->arg;
+       error = hidcc_parse(sc, hca->desc, hca->descsiz, hca->repid,
+           hca->isize);
+       if (error) {
+               printf(": hid error %d\n", error);
+               free(sc, M_USBDEV, sizeof(*sc));
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       printf(": %d usage%s, %d key%s, %s\n",
+           sc->sc_nusages, sc->sc_nusages == 1 ? "" : "s",
+           sc->sc_maplen / 2, sc->sc_maplen / 2 == 1 ? "" : "s",
+           sc->sc_isarray ? "array" : "enum");
+       /* Cannot load an empty map. */
+       if (sc->sc_maplen > 0)
+               hidcc_attach_wskbd(sc);
+       return sc;
+hidcc_detach(struct hidcc *sc, int flags)
+       int error = 0;
+       if (sc->sc_wskbddev != NULL)
+               error = config_detach(sc->sc_wskbddev, flags);
+       free(sc->sc_input.i_buf, M_USBDEV, sc->sc_input.i_bufsiz);
+       free(sc->sc_map, M_USBDEV, sc->sc_mapsiz * sizeof(*sc->sc_map));
+       free(sc->sc_raw, M_USBDEV, sc->sc_rawsiz * sizeof(*sc->sc_raw));
+       free(sc, M_USBDEV, sizeof(*sc));
+       return error;
+hidcc_intr(struct hidcc *sc, void *data, u_int len)
+       const struct hidcc_keysym *ks;
+       uint8_t *buf = sc->sc_input.i_buf;
+       int raw = sc->sc_mode == WSKBD_RAW;
+       int error;
+       u_int bit = 0;
+       hidcc_dump(sc, __func__, data, len);
+       if (len > sc->sc_input.i_bufsiz) {
+               DPRINTF("%s: too much data: len %d, bufsiz %d\n", DEVNAME(sc),
+                   len, sc->sc_input.i_bufsiz);
+               return;
+       }
+       error = hidcc_intr_slice(sc, data, buf, &len);
+       if (error) {
+               DPRINTF("%s: slice failure: error %d\n", DEVNAME(sc), error);
+               return;
+       }
+       /* Dump the buffer again after slicing. */
+       hidcc_dump(sc, __func__, buf, len);
+       if (hidcc_setbits(sc, buf, len, &bit)) {
+               /* All zeroes, assume key up event. */
+               if (raw) {
+                       if (sc->sc_last_raw != 0) {
+                               hidcc_rawinput(sc, sc->sc_last_raw, 1);
+                               sc->sc_last_raw = 0;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       if (sc->sc_last_translate != -1) {
+                               hidcc_input(sc, sc->sc_last_translate, 1);
+                               sc->sc_last_translate = -1;
+                       }
+               }
+               return;
+       } else if (sc->sc_isarray) {
+               int32_t usage;
+               if (hidcc_bits_to_int(buf, len, &usage) ||
+                   hidcc_usage_to_sym(usage, &ks))
+                       goto unknown;
+               bit = ks->ks_usage;
+       } else if (raw) {
+               if (hidcc_bit_to_sym(sc, bit, &ks))
+                       goto unknown;
+       }
+       if (raw) {
+               hidcc_rawinput(sc, ks->ks_raw, 0);
+               sc->sc_last_raw = ks->ks_raw;
+               /*
+                * Feed both raw and translating input for keys that have both
+                * defined. This is only the case for volume related keys.
+                */
+               if (ks->ks_key == 0)
+                       return;
+       }
+       hidcc_input(sc, bit, 0);
+       if (!raw)
+               sc->sc_last_translate = bit;
+       return;
+       DPRINTF("%s: unknown key: bit %d\n", DEVNAME(sc), bit);
+hidcc_attach_wskbd(struct hidcc *sc)
+       static const struct wskbd_accessops accessops = {
+               .enable         = hidcc_enable,
+               .set_leds       = hidcc_set_leds,
+               .ioctl          = hidcc_ioctl,
+       };
+       struct wskbddev_attach_args a = {
+               .console        = 0,
+               .keymap         = &sc->sc_keymap,
+               .accessops      = &accessops,
+               .accesscookie   = sc,
+               .audiocookie    = NULL, /* XXX audio_cookie */
+       };
+       sc->sc_keydesc[0].name = KB_US;
+       sc->sc_keydesc[0].base = 0;
+       sc->sc_keydesc[0].map_size = sc->sc_maplen;
+       sc->sc_keydesc[0].map = sc->sc_map;
+       sc->sc_keymap.keydesc = sc->sc_keydesc;
+       sc->sc_keymap.layout = KB_US | KB_NOENCODING;
+       sc->sc_wskbddev = config_found(sc->sc_dev, &a, wskbddevprint);
+hidcc_enable(void *v, int on)
+       struct hidcc *sc = (struct hidcc *)v;
+       return sc->sc_enable(sc->sc_arg, on);
+hidcc_set_leds(void *v, int leds)
+hidcc_ioctl(void *v, u_long cmd, caddr_t data, int flag, struct proc *p)
+       switch (cmd) {
+       /* wsconsctl(8) stub */
+       case WSKBDIO_GTYPE:
+               *(int *)data = WSKBD_TYPE_USB;
+               return 0;
+       /* wsconsctl(8) stub */
+       case WSKBDIO_GETLEDS:
+               *(int *)data = 0;
+               return 0;
+       case WSKBDIO_SETMODE: {
+               struct hidcc *sc = (struct hidcc *)v;
+               sc->sc_mode = *(int *)data;
+               return 0;
+       }
+       }
+       return -1;
+ * Parse the HID report and construct a mapping between the bits in the input
+ * report and the corresponding pressed key.
+ */
+hidcc_parse(struct hidcc *sc, void *desc, int descsiz, int repid, int isize)
+       enum { OFFSET, LENGTH } istate = OFFSET;
+       struct hid_item hi;
+       struct hid_data *hd;
+       u_int bit = 0;
+       int error = 0;
+       int nsyms = nitems(hidcc_keysyms);
+       int nbits;
+       /*
+        * The size of the input report is expressed in bytes where each bit in
+        * turn represents a pressed key. It's likely that the number of keys is
+        * less than this generous estimate.
+        */
+       nbits = isize * 8;
+       if (nbits == 0)
+               return ENXIO;
+       /* Allocate buffer used to slice interrupt data. */
+       sc->sc_input.i_bufsiz = isize;
+       sc->sc_input.i_buf = malloc(sc->sc_input.i_bufsiz, M_USBDEV, M_WAITOK);
+       /*
+        * Create mapping between each input bit and the corresponding usage,
+        * used in translating mode. Two entries are needed per bit in order
+        * construct a mapping. Note that at most all known usages as given by
+        * hidcc_keysyms can be inserted into this map.
+        */
+       sc->sc_mapsiz = nsyms * 2;
+       sc->sc_map = mallocarray(nsyms, 2 * sizeof(*sc->sc_map), M_USBDEV,
+           M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+       /*
+        * Create mapping between each input bit and the corresponding usage,
+        * used in raw mode.
+        */
+       sc->sc_rawsiz = nbits;
+       sc->sc_raw = mallocarray(nbits, sizeof(*sc->sc_raw), M_USBDEV,
+           M_WAITOK | M_ZERO);
+       hd = hid_start_parse(desc, descsiz, hid_input);
+       while (hid_get_item(hd, &hi)) {
+               uint32_t off;
+               int32_t usage;
+               if (hi.report_ID != repid || hi.kind != hid_input)
+                       continue;
+               if (HID_GET_USAGE_PAGE(hi.usage) != HUP_CONSUMER) {
+                       uint32_t len = hi.loc.size * hi.loc.count;
+                       switch (istate) {
+                       case OFFSET:
+                               sc->sc_input.i_off = hi.loc.pos + len;
+                               break;
+                       case LENGTH:
+                               /* Constant padding. */
+                               if (hi.flags & HIO_CONST)
+                                       sc->sc_input.i_len += len;
+                               break;
+                       }
+                       continue;
+               }
+               /* Signal that the input offset is reached. */
+               istate = LENGTH;
+               off = sc->sc_input.i_len;
+               sc->sc_input.i_len += hi.loc.size * hi.loc.count;
+               /*
+                * The usages could be expressed as an array instead of
+                * enumerating all supported ones.
+                */
+               if (hidcc_is_array(&hi)) {
+                       error = hidcc_parse_array(sc, &hi);
+                       break;
+               }
+               usage = HID_GET_USAGE(hi.usage);
+               if (usage == HUC_VOLUME)
+                       error = hidcc_add_key_volume(sc, &hi, off, bit);
+               else
+                       error = hidcc_add_key(sc, usage, bit);
+               if (error)
+                       break;
+               sc->sc_nusages++;
+               bit += hi.loc.size * hi.loc.count;
+       }
+       hid_end_parse(hd);
+       DPRINTF("%s: input: off %d, len %d\n", DEVNAME(sc),
+           sc->sc_input.i_off, sc->sc_input.i_len);
+       return error;
+hidcc_parse_array(struct hidcc *sc, const struct hid_item *hi)
+       int32_t max, min, usage;
+       min = HID_GET_USAGE(hi->usage_minimum);
+       max = HID_GET_USAGE(hi->usage_maximum);
+       sc->sc_nusages = (max - min) + 1;
+       sc->sc_isarray = 1;
+       for (usage = min; usage <= max; usage++) {
+               int error;
+               error = hidcc_add_key(sc, usage, 0);
+               if (error)
+                       return error;
+       }
+       return 0;
+hidcc_is_array(const struct hid_item *hi)
+       int32_t max, min;
+       min = HID_GET_USAGE(hi->usage_minimum);
+       max = HID_GET_USAGE(hi->usage_maximum);
+       return min >= 0 && max > 0 && min < max;
+hidcc_add_key(struct hidcc *sc, int32_t usage, u_int bit)
+       const struct hidcc_keysym *ks;
+       if (hidcc_usage_to_sym(usage, &ks))
+               return 0;
+       if (sc->sc_maplen + 2 > sc->sc_mapsiz)
+               return ENOMEM;
+       sc->sc_map[sc->sc_maplen++] = KS_KEYCODE(sc->sc_isarray ? usage : bit);
+       sc->sc_map[sc->sc_maplen++] = ks->ks_key;
+       if (!sc->sc_isarray) {
+               if (bit >= sc->sc_rawsiz)
+                       return ENOMEM;
+               sc->sc_raw[bit] = ks;
+       }
+       DPRINTF("%s: bit %d, usage \"%s\"\n", DEVNAME(sc),
+           bit, ks->ks_name);
+       return 0;
+ * Add key mappings for the volume usage which differs compared to the volume
+ * increment/decrement usages in which each volume change direction is
+ * represented using a distinct usage. The volume usage instead uses bits of the
+ * interrupt buffer to represent the wanted volume. The same bits should be
+ * within the bounds given by the logical min/max associated with the HID item.
+ */
+hidcc_add_key_volume(struct hidcc *sc, const struct hid_item *hi,
+    uint32_t off, u_int bit)
+       uint32_t len;
+       int error;
+       /*
+        * Since the volume usage is internally represented using two key
+        * mappings, make sure enough bits are available to avoid any ambiguity.
+        */
+       len = hi->loc.size * hi->loc.count;
+       if (len <= 1)
+               return 1;
+       sc->sc_volume.v_inc = bit;
+       sc->sc_volume.v_dec = bit + 1;
+       sc->sc_volume.v_off = off;
+       sc->sc_volume.v_len = len;
+       DPRINTF("%s: inc %d, dec %d, off %d, len %d, min %d, max %d\n",
+           DEVNAME(sc), sc->sc_volume.v_inc, sc->sc_volume.v_dec,
+           sc->sc_volume.v_off, sc->sc_volume.v_len,
+           hi->logical_minimum, hi->logical_maximum);
+       error = hidcc_add_key(sc, HUC_VOL_INC, sc->sc_volume.v_inc);
+       if (error)
+               return error;
+       error = hidcc_add_key(sc, HUC_VOL_DEC, sc->sc_volume.v_dec);
+       if (error)
+               return error;
+       return 0;
+hidcc_bit_to_sym(struct hidcc *sc, u_int bit, const struct hidcc_keysym **ks)
+       if (bit >= sc->sc_rawsiz || sc->sc_raw[bit] == NULL)
+               return 1;
+       *ks = sc->sc_raw[bit];
+       return 0;
+hidcc_usage_to_sym(int32_t usage, const struct hidcc_keysym **ks)
+       int len = nitems(hidcc_keysyms);
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               if (hidcc_keysyms[i].ks_usage == usage) {
+                       *ks = &hidcc_keysyms[i];
+                       return 0;
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;
+hidcc_bits_to_int(uint8_t *buf, u_int buflen, int32_t *usage)
+       int32_t x = 0;
+       int i;
+       if (buflen == 0 || buflen > sizeof(*usage))
+               return 1;
+       for (i = buflen - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+               x |= buf[i];
+               if (i > 0)
+                       x <<= 8;
+       }
+       *usage = x;
+       return 0;
+hidcc_bits_to_volume(struct hidcc *sc, uint8_t *buf, int buflen, u_int *bit)
+       uint32_t vlen = sc->sc_volume.v_len;
+       uint32_t voff = sc->sc_volume.v_off;
+       int32_t vol;
+       int sign;
+       if (vlen == 0)
+               return 1;
+       if (hidcc_bits_to_int(buf, buflen, &vol))
+               return 1;
+       vol = (vol >> voff) & ((1 << vlen) - 1);
+       if (vol == 0)
+               return 1;
+       /*
+        * Interpret the volume as a relative change by only looking at the sign
+        * in order to determine the change direction.
+        */
+       sign = vol & (1 << (vlen - 1)) ? -1 : 1;
+       if (sign < 0)
+               vol = (1 << vlen) - vol;
+       vol *= sign;
+       if (vol > 0)
+               *bit = sc->sc_volume.v_inc;
+       else
+               *bit = sc->sc_volume.v_dec;
+       return 0;
+hidcc_intr_slice(struct hidcc *sc, uint8_t *src, uint8_t *dst, int *len)
+       int ilen = sc->sc_input.i_len;
+       int ioff = sc->sc_input.i_off;
+       int di, si;
+       int maxlen = *len;
+       if (maxlen == 0)
+               return 1;
+       memset(dst, 0, maxlen);
+       si = ioff;
+       di = 0;
+       for (; ilen > 0; ilen--) {
+               int db, sb;
+               sb = si / 8;
+               db = di / 8;
+               if (sb >= maxlen || db >= maxlen)
+                       return 1;
+               if (src[sb] & (1 << (si % 8)))
+                       dst[db] |= 1 << (di % 8);
+               si++;
+               di++;
+       }
+       *len = (sc->sc_input.i_len + 7) / 8;
+       return 0;
+hidcc_input(struct hidcc *sc, u_int bit, int release)
+       int s;
+       s = spltty();
+       wskbd_input(sc->sc_wskbddev,
+           release ? WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_UP : WSCONS_EVENT_KEY_DOWN, bit);
+       splx(s);
+hidcc_rawinput(struct hidcc *sc, u_char c, int release)
+       u_char buf[2];
+       int len = 0;
+       int s;
+       if (c & 0x80)
+               buf[len++] = 0xe0;
+       buf[len++] = c & 0x7f;
+       if (release)
+               buf[len - 1] |= 0x80;
+       s = spltty();
+       wskbd_rawinput(sc->sc_wskbddev, buf, len);
+       splx(s);
+hidcc_setbits(struct hidcc *sc, uint8_t *data, int len, u_int *bit)
+       int i, j;
+       if (hidcc_bits_to_volume(sc, data, len, bit) == 0)
+               return 0;
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+               if (data[i] == 0)
+                       continue;
+               for (j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
+                       if (data[i] & (1 << j)) {
+                               *bit = (i * 8) + j;
+                               return 0;
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       return 1;
+hidcc_dump(struct hidcc *sc, const char *prefix, uint8_t *data, u_int len)
+       u_int i;
+       if (hidcc_debug == 0)
+               return;
+       printf("%s: %s:", DEVNAME(sc), prefix);
+       for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
+               printf(" %02x", data[i]);
+       printf("\n");
diff --git a/sys/dev/hid/hidccvar.h b/sys/dev/hid/hidccvar.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b724acc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/*     $OpenBSD: hidccvar.h,v 1.1 2022/11/11 06:46:48 anton Exp $      */
+ * Copyright (c) 2022 Anton Lindqvist <anton@openbsd.org>
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+ * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+struct hidcc_attach_arg {
+       struct device   *device;
+       void            *audio_cookie;
+       void            *desc;
+       int              descsiz;
+       int              repid;
+       int              isize;
+       int              (*enable)(void *, int);
+       void            *arg;
+int             hidcc_match(void *, int, uint8_t);
+struct hidcc   *hidcc_attach(const struct hidcc_attach_arg *);
+int             hidcc_detach(struct hidcc *, int);
+void            hidcc_intr(struct hidcc *, void *, u_int);