-# $OpenBSD: rc,v 1.570 2023/01/25 10:53:15 asou Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: rc,v 1.571 2023/04/26 14:28:09 phessler Exp $
# System startup script run by init on autoboot or after single-user.
# Output and error are redirected to console by init, and the console is the
if ifconfig lo0 inet6 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
pass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type neighbrsol
- pass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type neighbradv
+ pass inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type neighbradv no state
pass out inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type routersol
pass in inet6 proto icmp6 all icmp6-type routeradv
pass out inet6 proto udp from any port dhcpv6-client to any port dhcpv6-server