-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/13 21:16:01 deraadt Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2022/02/10 15:12:57 krw Exp $
FS= install${OSrev}.img
FSSIZE= 1032192
${FS}: ${BASE} ${XBASE}
dd if=/dev/zero of=${FS} bs=512 count=${TOTALSIZE}
vnconfig -v ${FS} > vnd
- echo 'u\ne 0\nc\nn\n${MSDOSSTART}\n${MSDOSSIZE}\ne 3\nA6\nn\n${FFSSTART}\n*\nf 0\nw\nq\n' \
- | fdisk -e `cat vnd` >/dev/null
+ fdisk -iy -b "${MSDOSSIZE}@${MSDOSSTART}:c" `cat vnd` >/dev/null
echo 'a a\n\n\n\nw\nq\n' | disklabel -E `cat vnd` >/dev/null
newfs -t msdos ${NEWFS_ARGS_msdos} /dev/r`cat vnd`i
mount ${MOUNT_ARGS_msdos} /dev/`cat vnd`i ${MOUNT_POINT}
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/07/26 12:47:46 kn Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2022/02/10 15:12:57 krw Exp $
FS= miniroot${OSrev}.img
FSSIZE= 67584
NEWFS_ARGS_msdos=-L boot -c1 -F16
${FS}: bsd.rd
dd if=/dev/zero of=${FS} bs=512 count=${FSSIZE}
vnconfig -v -t ${FSDISKTYPE} ${FS} > vnd
- echo 'u\ne 0\nc\nn\n${MSDOSSTART}\n${MSDOSSIZE}\ne 3\nA6\nn\n${FFSSTART}\n*\nf 0\nw\nq\n' \
- | fdisk -e `cat vnd` >/dev/null
+ fdisk -iy -b "${MSDOSSIZE}@${MSDOSSTART}:c" `cat vnd` >/dev/null
echo 'a a\n\n\n\nw\nq\n' | disklabel -E `cat vnd` >/dev/null
newfs -t msdos ${NEWFS_ARGS_msdos} /dev/r`cat vnd`i
mount ${MOUNT_ARGS_msdos} /dev/`cat vnd`i ${MOUNT_POINT}
-# $OpenBSD: install.md,v 1.8 2020/08/31 15:28:41 deraadt Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: install.md,v 1.9 2022/02/10 15:12:57 krw Exp $
# Copyright (c) 1996 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
local bootparttype="C"
local bootsectorstart="32768"
local bootsectorsize="32768"
- local bootsectorend=$(($bootsectorstart + $bootsectorsize))
local bootfstype="msdos"
local newfs_args=${NEWFSARGS_msdos}
case $resp in
echo -n "Creating a ${bootfstype} partition and an OpenBSD partition for rest of $_disk..."
- fdisk -e ${_disk} <<__EOT >/dev/null
-e 0
-f 0
-e 3
+ fdisk -iy -b "${bootsectorsize}@${bootsectorstart}:${bootparttype}" ${_disk} >/dev/null
echo "done."
disklabel $_disk 2>/dev/null | grep -q "^ i:" || disklabel -w -d $_disk
newfs -t ${bootfstype} ${newfs_args} ${_disk}i