-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/09/15 10:21:30 fcambus Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:43 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
-LLVM_V= 11.1.0
+LLVM_V= 13.0.0
LIBDIR= /usr/lib/clang/${LLVM_V}/lib
.if ${COMPILER_VERSION:L} != "clang"
SRCS+= GCDAProfiling.c \
InstrProfiling.c \
- InstrProfilingBiasVar.c \
+ InstrProfilingInternal.c \
+ InstrProfilingValue.c \
InstrProfilingBuffer.c \
InstrProfilingFile.c \
- InstrProfilingInternal.c \
InstrProfilingMerge.c \
InstrProfilingMergeFile.c \
InstrProfilingNameVar.c \
+ InstrProfilingVersionVar.c \
+ InstrProfilingWriter.c \
InstrProfilingPlatformOther.c \
InstrProfilingRuntime.cpp \
- InstrProfilingUtil.c \
- InstrProfilingValue.c \
- InstrProfilingWriter.c
+ InstrProfilingUtil.c
${INSTALL} -d -o ${BINOWN} -g ${BINGRP} -m ${DIRMODE} \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 13:06:20 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:43 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
UHDRDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../gnu/llvm/libunwind/include
CXXINCLUDEDIR= /usr/include/c++/v1
+LOCALHDRDIR= ${.CURDIR}/include/c++/v1
+CONFIG_SITE= ${LOCALHDRDIR}/__config_site
.PATH: ${SRCDIR} ${SRCDIR}/filesystem
LIB= c++
future.cpp \
hash.cpp \
ios.cpp \
+ ios.instantiations.cpp \
iostream.cpp \
locale.cpp \
memory.cpp \
CXXFLAGS+= -nostdlib -nostdinc++
.if empty(CXXFLAGS:M-std=*)
LDADD+= -L${BSDOBJDIR}/gnu/lib/libcxxabi -lc++abi
-STD_HEADERS= __bit_reference \
- __bsd_locale_defaults.h \
- __bsd_locale_fallbacks.h \
- __config \
- __config_site.in \
- __debug \
- __errc \
- __functional_03 \
- __functional_base \
- __functional_base_03 \
- __hash_table \
- __libcpp_version \
- __locale \
- __mutex_base \
- __node_handle \
- __nullptr \
- __split_buffer \
- __sso_allocator \
- __std_stream \
- __string \
- __threading_support \
- __tree \
- __tuple \
- __undef_macros \
- algorithm \
- any \
- array \
- atomic \
- barrier \
- bit \
- bitset \
- cassert \
- ccomplex \
- cctype \
- cerrno \
- cfenv \
- cfloat \
- charconv \
- chrono \
- cinttypes \
- ciso646 \
- climits \
- clocale \
- cmath \
- codecvt \
- compare \
- complex \
- complex.h \
- concepts \
- condition_variable \
- csetjmp \
- csignal \
- cstdarg \
- cstdbool \
- cstddef \
- cstdint \
- cstdio \
- cstdlib \
- cstring \
- ctgmath \
- ctime \
- ctype.h \
- cwchar \
- cwctype \
- deque \
- errno.h \
- exception \
- execution \
- fenv.h \
- filesystem \
- float.h \
- forward_list \
- fstream \
- functional \
- future \
- initializer_list \
- inttypes.h \
- iomanip \
- ios \
- iosfwd \
- iostream \
- istream \
- iterator \
- latch \
- limits \
- limits.h \
- list \
- locale \
- locale.h \
- map \
- math.h \
- memory \
- module.modulemap \
- mutex \
- new \
- numbers \
- numeric \
- optional \
- ostream \
- queue \
- random \
- ratio \
- regex \
- scoped_allocator \
- semaphore \
- set \
- setjmp.h \
- shared_mutex \
- span \
- sstream \
- stack \
- stdbool.h \
- stddef.h \
- stdexcept \
- stdint.h \
- stdio.h \
- stdlib.h \
- streambuf \
- string \
- string.h \
- string_view \
- strstream \
- system_error \
- tgmath.h \
- thread \
- tuple \
- type_traits \
- typeindex \
- typeinfo \
- unordered_map \
- unordered_set \
- utility \
- valarray \
- variant \
- vector \
- version \
- wchar.h \
- wctype.h
-.for hdr in ${STD_HEADERS}
-STD+= ${hdr} ${HDRDIR}/${hdr}
-EXT_HEADERS= __hash\
- hash_map\
- hash_set
-.for hdr in ${EXT_HEADERS}
-EXT+= ${hdr} ${HDRDIR}/ext/${hdr}
-EXP_HEADERS= __config \
- __memory \
- algorithm \
- coroutine \
- deque \
- filesystem \
- forward_list \
- functional \
- iterator \
- list \
- map \
- memory_resource \
- propagate_const \
- regex \
- set \
- simd \
- string \
- utility \
- type_traits \
- unordered_map \
- unordered_set \
- vector
-.for hdr in ${EXP_HEADERS}
-EXP+= ${hdr} ${HDRDIR}/experimental/${hdr}
-EXPDIR= ${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/experimental
-XLOCALE_HEADERS= __nop_locale_mgmt.h\
- __posix_l_fallback.h\
- __strtonum_fallback.h
-.for hdr in ${XLOCALE_HEADERS}
-XLOCALE+= ${hdr} ${HDRDIR}/support/xlocale/${hdr}
+ __algorithm/adjacent_find.h \
+ __algorithm/all_of.h \
+ __algorithm/any_of.h \
+ __algorithm/binary_search.h \
+ __algorithm/clamp.h \
+ __algorithm/comp_ref_type.h \
+ __algorithm/comp.h \
+ __algorithm/copy_backward.h \
+ __algorithm/copy_if.h \
+ __algorithm/copy_n.h \
+ __algorithm/copy.h \
+ __algorithm/count_if.h \
+ __algorithm/count.h \
+ __algorithm/equal_range.h \
+ __algorithm/equal.h \
+ __algorithm/fill_n.h \
+ __algorithm/fill.h \
+ __algorithm/find_end.h \
+ __algorithm/find_first_of.h \
+ __algorithm/find_if_not.h \
+ __algorithm/find_if.h \
+ __algorithm/find.h \
+ __algorithm/for_each_n.h \
+ __algorithm/for_each.h \
+ __algorithm/generate_n.h \
+ __algorithm/generate.h \
+ __algorithm/half_positive.h \
+ __algorithm/includes.h \
+ __algorithm/inplace_merge.h \
+ __algorithm/is_heap_until.h \
+ __algorithm/is_heap.h \
+ __algorithm/is_partitioned.h \
+ __algorithm/is_permutation.h \
+ __algorithm/is_sorted_until.h \
+ __algorithm/is_sorted.h \
+ __algorithm/iter_swap.h \
+ __algorithm/lexicographical_compare.h \
+ __algorithm/lower_bound.h \
+ __algorithm/make_heap.h \
+ __algorithm/max_element.h \
+ __algorithm/max.h \
+ __algorithm/merge.h \
+ __algorithm/min_element.h \
+ __algorithm/min.h \
+ __algorithm/minmax_element.h \
+ __algorithm/minmax.h \
+ __algorithm/mismatch.h \
+ __algorithm/move_backward.h \
+ __algorithm/move.h \
+ __algorithm/next_permutation.h \
+ __algorithm/none_of.h \
+ __algorithm/nth_element.h \
+ __algorithm/partial_sort_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/partial_sort.h \
+ __algorithm/partition_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/partition_point.h \
+ __algorithm/partition.h \
+ __algorithm/pop_heap.h \
+ __algorithm/prev_permutation.h \
+ __algorithm/push_heap.h \
+ __algorithm/remove_copy_if.h \
+ __algorithm/remove_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/remove_if.h \
+ __algorithm/remove.h \
+ __algorithm/replace_copy_if.h \
+ __algorithm/replace_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/replace_if.h \
+ __algorithm/replace.h \
+ __algorithm/reverse_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/reverse.h \
+ __algorithm/rotate_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/rotate.h \
+ __algorithm/sample.h \
+ __algorithm/search_n.h \
+ __algorithm/search.h \
+ __algorithm/set_difference.h \
+ __algorithm/set_intersection.h \
+ __algorithm/set_symmetric_difference.h \
+ __algorithm/set_union.h \
+ __algorithm/shift_left.h \
+ __algorithm/shift_right.h \
+ __algorithm/shuffle.h \
+ __algorithm/sift_down.h \
+ __algorithm/sort_heap.h \
+ __algorithm/sort.h \
+ __algorithm/stable_partition.h \
+ __algorithm/stable_sort.h \
+ __algorithm/swap_ranges.h \
+ __algorithm/transform.h \
+ __algorithm/unique_copy.h \
+ __algorithm/unique.h \
+ __algorithm/unwrap_iter.h \
+ __algorithm/upper_bound.h \
+ __availability \
+ __bit_reference \
+ __bits \
+ __bsd_locale_defaults.h \
+ __bsd_locale_fallbacks.h \
+ __config \
+ __debug \
+ __errc \
+ __format/format_error.h \
+ __format/format_parse_context.h \
+ __function_like.h \
+ __functional_base \
+ __functional/binary_function.h \
+ __functional/binary_negate.h \
+ __functional/bind_front.h \
+ __functional/bind.h \
+ __functional/binder1st.h \
+ __functional/binder2nd.h \
+ __functional/default_searcher.h \
+ __functional/function.h \
+ __functional/hash.h \
+ __functional/identity.h \
+ __functional/invoke.h \
+ __functional/is_transparent.h \
+ __functional/mem_fn.h \
+ __functional/mem_fun_ref.h \
+ __functional/not_fn.h \
+ __functional/operations.h \
+ __functional/perfect_forward.h \
+ __functional/pointer_to_binary_function.h \
+ __functional/pointer_to_unary_function.h \
+ __functional/ranges_operations.h \
+ __functional/reference_wrapper.h \
+ __functional/unary_function.h \
+ __functional/unary_negate.h \
+ __functional/unwrap_ref.h \
+ __functional/weak_result_type.h \
+ __hash_table \
+ __iterator/access.h \
+ __iterator/advance.h \
+ __iterator/back_insert_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/common_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/concepts.h \
+ __iterator/counted_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/data.h \
+ __iterator/default_sentinel.h \
+ __iterator/distance.h \
+ __iterator/empty.h \
+ __iterator/erase_if_container.h \
+ __iterator/front_insert_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/incrementable_traits.h \
+ __iterator/insert_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/istream_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/istreambuf_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/iter_move.h \
+ __iterator/iter_swap.h \
+ __iterator/iterator_traits.h \
+ __iterator/iterator.h \
+ __iterator/move_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/next.h \
+ __iterator/ostream_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/ostreambuf_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/prev.h \
+ __iterator/projected.h \
+ __iterator/readable_traits.h \
+ __iterator/reverse_access.h \
+ __iterator/reverse_iterator.h \
+ __iterator/size.h \
+ __iterator/wrap_iter.h \
+ __libcpp_version \
+ __locale \
+ __memory/addressof.h \
+ __memory/allocation_guard.h \
+ __memory/allocator_arg_t.h \
+ __memory/allocator_traits.h \
+ __memory/allocator.h \
+ __memory/auto_ptr.h \
+ __memory/compressed_pair.h \
+ __memory/construct_at.h \
+ __memory/pointer_safety.h \
+ __memory/pointer_traits.h \
+ __memory/raw_storage_iterator.h \
+ __memory/shared_ptr.h \
+ __memory/temporary_buffer.h \
+ __memory/uninitialized_algorithms.h \
+ __memory/unique_ptr.h \
+ __memory/uses_allocator.h \
+ __mutex_base \
+ __node_handle \
+ __nullptr \
+ __random/uniform_int_distribution.h \
+ __ranges/access.h \
+ __ranges/all.h \
+ __ranges/common_view.h \
+ __ranges/concepts.h \
+ __ranges/copyable_box.h \
+ __ranges/dangling.h \
+ __ranges/data.h \
+ __ranges/drop_view.h \
+ __ranges/empty_view.h \
+ __ranges/empty.h \
+ __ranges/enable_borrowed_range.h \
+ __ranges/enable_view.h \
+ __ranges/non_propagating_cache.h \
+ __ranges/ref_view.h \
+ __ranges/size.h \
+ __ranges/subrange.h \
+ __ranges/transform_view.h \
+ __ranges/view_interface.h \
+ __split_buffer \
+ __std_stream \
+ __string \
+ __support/android/locale_bionic.h \
+ __support/fuchsia/xlocale.h \
+ __support/ibm/gettod_zos.h \
+ __support/ibm/limits.h \
+ __support/ibm/locale_mgmt_aix.h \
+ __support/ibm/locale_mgmt_zos.h \
+ __support/ibm/nanosleep.h \
+ __support/ibm/support.h \
+ __support/ibm/xlocale.h \
+ __support/musl/xlocale.h \
+ __support/newlib/xlocale.h \
+ __support/nuttx/xlocale.h \
+ __support/openbsd/xlocale.h \
+ __support/solaris/floatingpoint.h \
+ __support/solaris/wchar.h \
+ __support/solaris/xlocale.h \
+ __support/win32/limits_msvc_win32.h \
+ __support/win32/locale_win32.h \
+ __support/xlocale/__nop_locale_mgmt.h \
+ __support/xlocale/__posix_l_fallback.h \
+ __support/xlocale/__strtonum_fallback.h \
+ __threading_support \
+ __tree \
+ __tuple \
+ __undef_macros \
+ __utility/__decay_copy.h \
+ __utility/as_const.h \
+ __utility/cmp.h \
+ __utility/declval.h \
+ __utility/exchange.h \
+ __utility/forward.h \
+ __utility/in_place.h \
+ __utility/integer_sequence.h \
+ __utility/move.h \
+ __utility/pair.h \
+ __utility/piecewise_construct.h \
+ __utility/rel_ops.h \
+ __utility/swap.h \
+ __utility/to_underlying.h \
+ __variant/monostate.h \
+ algorithm \
+ any \
+ array \
+ atomic \
+ barrier \
+ bit \
+ bitset \
+ cassert \
+ ccomplex \
+ cctype \
+ cerrno \
+ cfenv \
+ cfloat \
+ charconv \
+ chrono \
+ cinttypes \
+ ciso646 \
+ climits \
+ clocale \
+ cmath \
+ codecvt \
+ compare \
+ complex \
+ complex.h \
+ concepts \
+ condition_variable \
+ csetjmp \
+ csignal \
+ cstdarg \
+ cstdbool \
+ cstddef \
+ cstdint \
+ cstdio \
+ cstdlib \
+ cstring \
+ ctgmath \
+ ctime \
+ ctype.h \
+ cwchar \
+ cwctype \
+ deque \
+ errno.h \
+ exception \
+ execution \
+ experimental/__config \
+ experimental/__memory \
+ experimental/algorithm \
+ experimental/coroutine \
+ experimental/deque \
+ experimental/filesystem \
+ experimental/forward_list \
+ experimental/functional \
+ experimental/iterator \
+ experimental/list \
+ experimental/map \
+ experimental/memory_resource \
+ experimental/propagate_const \
+ experimental/regex \
+ experimental/set \
+ experimental/simd \
+ experimental/string \
+ experimental/type_traits \
+ experimental/unordered_map \
+ experimental/unordered_set \
+ experimental/utility \
+ experimental/vector \
+ ext/__hash \
+ ext/hash_map \
+ ext/hash_set \
+ fenv.h \
+ filesystem \
+ float.h \
+ format \
+ forward_list \
+ fstream \
+ functional \
+ future \
+ initializer_list \
+ inttypes.h \
+ iomanip \
+ ios \
+ iosfwd \
+ iostream \
+ istream \
+ iterator \
+ latch \
+ limits \
+ limits.h \
+ list \
+ locale \
+ locale.h \
+ map \
+ math.h \
+ memory \
+ module.modulemap \
+ mutex \
+ new \
+ numbers \
+ numeric \
+ optional \
+ ostream \
+ queue \
+ random \
+ ranges \
+ ranges \
+ ratio \
+ regex \
+ scoped_allocator \
+ semaphore \
+ set \
+ setjmp.h \
+ shared_mutex \
+ span \
+ sstream \
+ stack \
+ stdbool.h \
+ stddef.h \
+ stdexcept \
+ stdint.h \
+ stdio.h \
+ stdlib.h \
+ streambuf \
+ string \
+ string_view \
+ string.h \
+ strstream \
+ system_error \
+ tgmath.h \
+ thread \
+ tuple \
+ type_traits \
+ typeindex \
+ typeinfo \
+ unordered_map \
+ unordered_set \
+ utility \
+ valarray \
+ variant \
+ vector \
+ version \
+ wchar.h \
+ wctype.h
@echo installing ${STD_HEADERS}
- ${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}/${STDDIR};
-. for hdr src in ${STD}
- cmp -s ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${STDDIR}/${hdr} || \
- ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -m 444 ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${STDDIR}/${hdr};
-. endfor
- ${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}/${EXTDIR};
-. for hdr src in ${EXT}
- cmp -s ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${EXTDIR}/${hdr} || \
- ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -m 444 ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${EXTDIR}/${hdr};
-. endfor
- ${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}/${EXPDIR};
-. for hdr src in ${EXP}
- cmp -s ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${EXPDIR}/${hdr} || \
- ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -m 444 ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${EXPDIR}/${hdr};
-. endfor
- ${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}/${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/support/newlib;
- cmp -s ${HDRDIR}/support/newlib/xlocale.h \
- ${DESTDIR}/${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/support/newlib/xlocale.h || \
- ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -m 444 ${HDRDIR}/support/newlib/xlocale.h \
- ${DESTDIR}/${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/support/newlib/xlocale.h;
- ${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}/${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/support/xlocale;
-. for hdr src in ${XLOCALE}
- cmp -s ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${XLOCALEDIR}/${hdr} || \
- ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -m 444 ${src} ${DESTDIR}/${XLOCALEDIR}/${hdr};
+. for hdr in ${STD_HEADERS}
+ cmp -s ${HDRDIR}/${hdr} ${DESTDIR}/${CXXINCLUDEDIR}/${hdr} || \
+ ${INSTALL} ${INSTALL_COPY} -D -m 444 ${HDRDIR}/${hdr} \
. endfor
.include <bsd.lib.mk>
--- /dev/null
+// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
+// See https://llvm.org/LICENSE.txt for license information.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_STDIN */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_STDOUT */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_NO_THREADS */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_MUSL_LIBC */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_WIN32 */
+/* #undef _LIBCPP_NO_VCRUNTIME */
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/04/28 13:06:20 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
UHDRDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../../gnu/llvm/libunwind/include
CXXINCLUDEDIR= /usr/include/c++/v1
+LOCALHDRDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../libcxx/include/c++/v1
.PATH: ${SRCDIR} ${.CURDIR}/../../../gnu/llvm/libunwind/src
LIB= c++abi
UnwindRegistersSave.S \
# Don't forget to give libc++ the same type of bump!
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/06/09 19:37:43 mortimer Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.PATH: ${SRCDIR} ${BSDSRCDIR}/gnu/llvm/libunwind/src
.PATH: ${SRCDIR} ${BSDSRCDIR}/gnu/llvm/libcxx/src
CXXFLAGS+= -I${BSDSRCDIR}/gnu/llvm/libunwind/include \
+ -I${BSDSRCDIR}/gnu/lib/libcxx/include/c++/v1/ \
CFLAGS+= -I${BSDSRCDIR}/gnu/llvm/libunwind/include
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2021/11/24 15:15:19 robert Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.18 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.if ${AR_VERSION:L} == "llvm"
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/04/28 12:55:37 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
PROG= clang-tblgen
ClangOpenCLBuiltinEmitter.cpp \
ClangOptionDocEmitter.cpp \
ClangSACheckersEmitter.cpp \
+ ClangSyntaxEmitter.cpp \
ClangTypeNodesEmitter.cpp \
MveEmitter.cpp \
NeonEmitter.cpp \
+ RISCVVEmitter.cpp \
SveEmitter.cpp \
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "CLANG, CLANG++, CLANG-CPP" "1" "May 01, 2021" "11" "Clang"
+.TH "CLANG, CLANG++, CLANG-CPP" "1" "Aug 29, 2021" "13" "Clang"
clang, clang++, clang-cpp \- the Clang C, C++, and Objective-C compiler
.B \-\-print\-supported\-cpus
Print out a list of supported processors for the given target (specified
-through \-\-target=<architecture> or \-arch <architecture>). If no target is
-specified, the system default target will be used.
+through \fB\-\-target=<architecture>\fP or \fI\%\-arch\fP \fB<architecture>\fP). If no
+target is specified, the system default target will be used.
.B \-mcpu=?, \-mtune=?
-Aliases of \-\-print\-supported\-cpus
+Acts as an alias for \fI\%\-\-print\-supported\-cpus\fP\&.
+.B \-feliminate\-unused\-debug\-types
+By default, Clang does not emit type information for types that are defined
+but not used in a program. To retain the debug info for these unused types,
+the negation \fB\-fno\-eliminate\-unused\-debug\-types\fP can be used.
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-fexceptions
Enable generation of unwind information. This allows exceptions to be thrown
through Clang compiled stack frames. This is on by default in x86\-64.
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/04/28 12:55:37 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
arm_cde_builtins.inc \
arm_cde_builtin_cg.inc \
arm_cde_builtin_sema.inc \
- arm_cde_builtin_aliases.inc
+ arm_cde_builtin_aliases.inc \
+ riscv_vector_builtins.inc \
+ riscv_vector_builtin_cg.inc
all: ${GEN}
${TBLGEN} -I${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic -gen-arm-cde-builtin-aliases \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+riscv_vector_builtins.inc: ${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic/riscv_vector.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -I${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic -gen-riscv-vector-builtins \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+riscv_vector_builtin_cg.inc: ${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic/riscv_vector.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -I${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic -gen-riscv-vector-builtin-codegen \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
-/* $OpenBSD: Version.inc,v 1.12 2021/04/28 12:55:37 patrick Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: Version.inc,v 1.13 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $ */
-#define CLANG_VERSION 11.1.0
-#define CLANG_VERSION_STRING "11.1.0"
+#define CLANG_VERSION 13.0.0
+#define CLANG_VERSION_STRING "13.0.0"
#define CLANG_VENDOR "OpenBSD "
/* The LLVM product name and version */
/* Linker version detected at compile time. */
/* #undef HOST_LINK_VERSION */
/* enable x86 relax relocations by default */
-/* Enable the experimental new pass manager by default */
/* Enable each functionality of modules */
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.24 2021/04/28 12:55:37 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.25 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
-LLVM_V= 11.1.0
+LLVM_V= 13.0.0
CLANG_INTR_INCDIR= /usr/lib/clang/${LLVM_V}/include
TBLGEN= ${.OBJDIR}/../../../clang-tblgen/clang-tblgen
avx512vnniintrin.h \
avx512vlvnniintrin.h \
avxintrin.h \
+ avxvnniintrin.h \
bmi2intrin.h \
bmiintrin.h \
cetintrin.h \
fmaintrin.h \
fxsrintrin.h \
gfniintrin.h \
+ hresetintrin.h \
ia32intrin.h \
immintrin.h \
invpcidintrin.h \
+ keylockerintrin.h \
lwpintrin.h \
lzcntintrin.h \
mm3dnow.h \
tbmintrin.h \
tmmintrin.h \
tsxldtrkintrin.h \
+ uintrintrin.h \
vaesintrin.h \
vpclmulqdqintrin.h \
waitpkgintrin.h \
wmmintrin.h \
__wmmintrin_aes.h \
__wmmintrin_pclmul.h \
+ x86gprintrin.h \
x86intrin.h \
xmmintrin.h \
xopintrin.h \
HEADERS+= altivec.h \
htmintrin.h \
+.elif ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "riscv64"
+GEN+= riscv_vector.h
all: ${HEADERS}
${TBLGEN} -gen-arm-cde-header -I${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+riscv_vector.h: ${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic/riscv_vector.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -gen-riscv-vector-header -I${CLANG_INC}/clang/Basic \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
-/* $OpenBSD: Version.inc,v 1.7 2021/04/28 12:55:37 patrick Exp $ */
+/* $OpenBSD: Version.inc,v 1.8 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $ */
-#define LLD_VERSION 11.1.0
-#define LLD_VERSION_STRING "11.1.0"
+#define LLD_VERSION 13.0.0
+#define LLD_VERSION_STRING "13.0.0"
#define HAVE_PPOLL 1
+#define HAVE_PTSNAME_R 0
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/08/02 08:50:51 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
TBLGEN= ${.OBJDIR}/../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen
-GEN= InstallNameToolOpts.inc ObjcopyOpts.inc StripOpts.inc
+GEN= InstallNameToolOpts.inc \
+ ObjcopyOpts.inc \
+ StripOpts.inc \
+ BitcodeStripOpts.inc
all: ${GEN}
-I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy \
-gen-opt-parser-defs -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+BitcodeStripOpts.inc: ${OBJCOPY_INC}/BitcodeStripOpts.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/include \
+ -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy \
+ -gen-opt-parser-defs -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
--- /dev/null
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
+.include <bsd.own.mk>
+TBLGEN= ${.OBJDIR}/../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen
+GEN= ObjdumpOpts.inc \
+ OtoolOpts.inc
+all: ${GEN}
+ @# Nothing here so far ...
+clean cleandir:
+ rm -f ${GEN}
+ObjdumpOpts.inc: ${OBJDUMP_INC}/ObjdumpOpts.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/include \
+ -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump \
+ -gen-opt-parser-defs -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+OtoolOpts.inc: ${OBJDUMP_INC}/OtoolOpts.td
+ ${TBLGEN} -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/include \
+ -I${.CURDIR}/../../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump \
+ -gen-opt-parser-defs -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+.include <bsd.obj.mk>
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
AArch64GenDisassemblerTables.inc \
AArch64GenFastISel.inc \
AArch64GenGlobalISel.inc \
+ AArch64GenO0PreLegalizeGICombiner.inc \
AArch64GenPreLegalizeGICombiner.inc \
AArch64GenPostLegalizeGICombiner.inc \
+ AArch64GenPostLegalizeGILowering.inc \
AArch64GenInstrInfo.inc \
AArch64GenMCCodeEmitter.inc \
AArch64GenMCPseudoLowering.inc \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64 \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+AArch64GenO0PreLegalizeGICombiner.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel-combiner \
+ -combiners="AArch64O0PreLegalizerCombinerHelper" \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64 \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
AArch64GenPreLegalizeGICombiner.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64.td
${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel-combiner \
-combiners="AArch64PreLegalizerCombinerHelper" \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64 \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+AArch64GenPostLegalizeGILowering.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel-combiner \
+ -combiners="AArch64PostLegalizerLoweringHelper" \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64 \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
AArch64GenInstrInfo.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64/AArch64.td
${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-instr-info \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AArch64 \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
R600GenRegisterInfo.inc \
+HDRS+= InstCombineTables.inc
all: ${HDRS}
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AMDGPU \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+InstCombineTables.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AMDGPU/InstCombineTables.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-searchable-tables \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/AMDGPU \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
/* Allow selectively disabling link-time mismatch checking so that header-only
ADT content from LLVM can be used without linking libSupport. */
// ABI_BREAKING_CHECKS protection: provides link-time failure when clients build
// mismatch with LLVM
/* Define if dladdr() is available on this platform. */
#define HAVE_DLADDR 1
+/* test from libunwind */
+#if defined(__arm__) && !defined(__USING_SJLJ_EXCEPTIONS__) && \
+ !defined(__ARM_DWARF_EH__)
+/* Define to 1 if we can register EH frames on this platform. */
+/* Define to 1 if we can deregister EH frames on this platform. */
+/* Define to 1 if we can register EH frames on this platform. */
+/* Define to 1 if we can deregister EH frames on this platform. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <errno.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_ERRNO_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the `pfm' library (-lpfm). */
/* #undef HAVE_LIBPFM */
+/* Define to 1 if the `perf_branch_entry' struct has field cycles. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `psapi' library (-lpsapi). */
/* #undef HAVE_LIBPSAPI */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `pthread_setname_np' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `z' library (-lz). */
-#define HAVE_LIBZ 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <link.h> header file. */
/* #undef HAVE_LINK_H */
/* Define if mallinfo() is available on this platform. */
/* #undef HAVE_MALLINFO */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the `mallinfo2' function. */
+/* #undef HAVE_MALLINFO2 */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <malloc/malloc.h> header file. */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `setenv' function. */
#define HAVE_SETENV 1
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `sched_getaffinity' function. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the `CPU_COUNT' macro. */
-/* #undef HAVE_CPU_COUNT */
/* Define to 1 if you have the `setrlimit' function. */
/* #undef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H */
/* Define if the setupterm() function is supported this platform. */
-/* #undef HAVE_TERMINFO */
-/* Define if the xar_open() function is supported this platform. */
-/* #undef HAVE_LIBXAR */
/* Define to 1 if you have the <termios.h> header file. */
#define HAVE_TERMIOS_H 1
/* Define to 1 if you have the <valgrind/valgrind.h> header file. */
-/* Define to 1 if you have the <zlib.h> header file. */
-#define HAVE_ZLIB_H 1
/* Have host's _alloca */
/* #undef HAVE__ALLOCA */
/* Target triple LLVM will generate code for by default */
/* Doesn't use `cmakedefine` because it is allowed to be empty. */
-/* #define LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE "amd64-unknown-openbsd6.8" */
+/* #define LLVM_DEFAULT_TARGET_TRIPLE "amd64-unknown-openbsd7.0" */
/* Define if zlib compression is available */
/* #define LLVM_ENABLE_ZLIB 1 */
/* Define if libxml2 is supported on this platform. */
-/* #undef LLVM_LIBXML2_ENABLED */
+/* #undef LLVM_ENABLE_LIBXML2 */
/* Define to the extension used for shared libraries, say, ".so". */
#define LTDL_SHLIB_EXT ".so"
+/* Define to the extension used for plugin libraries, say, ".so". */
+#define LLVM_PLUGIN_EXT ".so"
/* Define to the address where bug reports for this package should be sent. */
#define PACKAGE_BUGREPORT "https://bugs.llvm.org/"
/* Define to the full name and version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_STRING "LLVM 11.1.0"
+#define PACKAGE_STRING "LLVM 13.0.0"
/* Define to the version of this package. */
-#define PACKAGE_VERSION "11.1.0"
+#define PACKAGE_VERSION "13.0.0"
/* Define to the vendor of this package. */
/* #undef PACKAGE_VENDOR */
/* Define to the default GlobalISel coverage file prefix */
-/* Whether Timers signpost passes in Xcode Instruments */
+/* #undef HAVE_PROC_PID_RUSAGE */
#define LLVM_USE_PERF 0
/* Major version of the LLVM API */
/* Minor version of the LLVM API */
/* Patch version of the LLVM API */
/* LLVM version string */
-#define LLVM_VERSION_STRING "11.1.0"
+#define LLVM_VERSION_STRING "13.0.0"
/* Whether LLVM records statistics for use with GetStatistics(),
* PrintStatistics() or PrintStatisticsJSON()
+/* Define if we have z3 and want to build it */
+/* #undef LLVM_WITH_Z3 */
+/* Define if LLVM was built with a dependency to the libtensorflow dynamic library */
+/* #undef LLVM_HAVE_TF_API */
+/* Define if LLVM was built with a dependency to the tensorflow compiler */
+/* #undef LLVM_HAVE_TF_AOT */
+/* Define to 1 if you have the <sysexits.h> header file. */
+#define HAVE_SYSEXITS_H 1
+/* Define to 1 to enable the experimental new pass manager by default */
+/* Define if the xar_open() function is supported on this platform. */
+/* #undef LLVM_HAVE_LIBXAR */
+/* Whether Timers signpost passes in Xcode Instruments */
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
LLVM_SRCS= ${.CURDIR}/../../../../../../llvm/llvm
DEFS= ACC.h.inc \
- ACC.cpp.inc \
- ACC.cpp
+ ACC.inc
all: ${DEFS}
- @# Nothing here so far ...
+ @# Nothing here so far
clean cleandir:
rm -f ${DEFS}
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-ACC.cpp.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC/ACC.td
- ${.OBJDIR}/../../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-directive-gen \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/ \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
- -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-ACC.cpp: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC/ACC.td
+ACC.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC/ACC.td
${.OBJDIR}/../../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-directive-impl \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/ \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
LLVM_SRCS= ${.CURDIR}/../../../../../../llvm/llvm
DEFS= OMP.h.inc \
- OMP.cpp.inc \
- OMP.cpp
+ OMP.inc
all: ${DEFS}
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-OMP.cpp.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMP.td
- ${.OBJDIR}/../../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-directive-gen \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/ \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
- -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-OMP.cpp: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMP.td
+OMP.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMP.td
${.OBJDIR}/../../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-directive-impl \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Frontend/ \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
IntrinsicsS390.h \
IntrinsicsWebAssembly.h \
IntrinsicsX86.h \
- IntrinsicsXCore.h
+ IntrinsicsXCore.h \
+ IntrinsicsVE.h
INCDIR= /usr/include/llvm/IR
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+IntrinsicsVE.h: ${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/IR/Intrinsics.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-intrinsic-enums -intrinsic-prefix=ve \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/IR -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
install includes: ${DEFS}
${INSTALL} -d -m 755 ${DESTDIR}${INCDIR}
@cd ${.OBJDIR}; for i in $(DEFS); do \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
PPCGenMCCodeEmitter.inc \
PPCGenRegisterInfo.inc \
PPCGenSubtargetInfo.inc \
- PPCGenExegesis.inc
+ PPCGenExegesis.inc \
+ PPCGenRegisterBank.inc \
+ PPCGenGlobalISel.inc
all: ${HDRS}
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/PowerPC \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+PPCGenRegisterBank.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-register-bank \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/PowerPC \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+PPCGenGlobalISel.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/PowerPC/PPC.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-global-isel \
+ -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/PowerPC \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/29 05:32:01 drahn Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:44 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
RISCVGenInstrInfo.inc RISCVGenRegisterInfo.inc \
RISCVGenSubtargetInfo.inc \
RISCVGenMCCodeEmitter.inc RISCVGenMCPseudoLowering.inc \
- RISCVGenSystemOperands.inc RISCVGenRegisterBank.inc \
+ RISCVGenSearchableTables.inc RISCVGenRegisterBank.inc \
RISCVGenGlobalISel.inc RISCVGenCompressInstEmitter.inc
# RISCVGenGICombiner.inc RISCVGenFastISel.inc
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/RISCV \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-RISCVGenSystemOperands.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCV.td
+RISCVGenSearchableTables.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/RISCV/RISCV.td
${.OBJDIR}/../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-searchable-tables \
-I${LLVM_SRCS}/include -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/RISCV \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+++ /dev/null
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2020/08/03 14:45:23 patrick Exp $
-.include <bsd.own.mk>
-LLVM_SRCS= ${.CURDIR}/../../../../../../llvm/llvm
-DEFS= InstCombineTables.inc
-all: ${DEFS}
- @# Nothing here so far ...
-clean cleandir:
- rm -f ${DEFS}
-InstCombineTables.inc: ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Transforms/InstCombine/InstCombineTables.td
- ${.OBJDIR}/../../../../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-searchable-tables \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Transforms/InstCombine \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
- -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-.include <bsd.obj.mk>
.include "../libLLVM${LLVM_ARCH}Desc/Makefile"
.include "../libLLVM${LLVM_ARCH}Disassembler/Makefile"
.include "../libLLVM${LLVM_ARCH}Info/Makefile"
-.if "${LLVM_ARCH}" == "AArch64" || "${LLVM_ARCH}" == "ARM" || "${LLVM_ARCH}" == "RISCV"
+.if "${LLVM_ARCH}" == "AArch64" || "${LLVM_ARCH}" == "ARM"
.include "../libLLVM${LLVM_ARCH}Utils/Makefile"
.include "../libLLVMipo/Makefile"
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMAArch64CodeGen
# GISel
SRCS+= AArch64CallLowering.cpp \
+ AArch64GlobalISelUtils.cpp \
AArch64InstructionSelector.cpp \
AArch64LegalizerInfo.cpp \
+ AArch64O0PreLegalizerCombiner.cpp \
AArch64PreLegalizerCombiner.cpp \
AArch64PostLegalizerCombiner.cpp \
+ AArch64PostLegalizerLowering.cpp \
+ AArch64PostSelectOptimize.cpp \
SRCS+= AArch64A57FPLoadBalancing.cpp \
AArch64ISelLowering.cpp \
AArch64InstrInfo.cpp \
AArch64LoadStoreOptimizer.cpp \
+ AArch64LowerHomogeneousPrologEpilog.cpp \
AArch64MachineFunctionInfo.cpp \
AArch64MacroFusion.cpp \
AArch64MCInstLower.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
SRCS+= AMDGPUAliasAnalysis.cpp \
AMDGPUAlwaysInlinePass.cpp \
AMDGPUAnnotateKernelFeatures.cpp \
+ AMDGPUAttributor.cpp \
AMDGPUAnnotateUniformValues.cpp \
AMDGPUArgumentUsageInfo.cpp \
AMDGPUAsmPrinter.cpp \
AMDGPUFixFunctionBitcasts.cpp \
AMDGPUFrameLowering.cpp \
AMDGPUHSAMetadataStreamer.cpp \
+ AMDGPUInstCombineIntrinsic.cpp \
AMDGPUInstrInfo.cpp \
AMDGPUInstructionSelector.cpp \
AMDGPUISelLowering.cpp \
AMDGPUGlobalISelUtils.cpp \
+ AMDGPULateCodeGenPrepare.cpp \
AMDGPULegalizerInfo.cpp \
AMDGPULibCalls.cpp \
AMDGPULibFunc.cpp \
AMDGPULowerIntrinsics.cpp \
AMDGPULowerKernelArguments.cpp \
AMDGPULowerKernelAttributes.cpp \
+ AMDGPULowerModuleLDSPass.cpp \
AMDGPUMachineCFGStructurizer.cpp \
AMDGPUMachineFunction.cpp \
AMDGPUMachineModuleInfo.cpp \
AMDGPUMacroFusion.cpp \
AMDGPUMCInstLower.cpp \
+ AMDGPUMIRFormatter.cpp \
AMDGPUOpenCLEnqueuedBlockLowering.cpp \
AMDGPUPostLegalizerCombiner.cpp \
AMDGPUPreLegalizerCombiner.cpp \
AMDGPUPropagateAttributes.cpp \
AMDGPURegBankCombiner.cpp \
AMDGPURegisterBankInfo.cpp \
+ AMDGPUReplaceLDSUseWithPointer.cpp \
AMDGPURewriteOutArguments.cpp \
AMDGPUSubtarget.cpp \
AMDGPUTargetMachine.cpp \
AMDGPUTargetTransformInfo.cpp \
AMDGPUUnifyDivergentExitNodes.cpp \
AMDGPUUnifyMetadata.cpp \
- AMDGPUInline.cpp \
AMDGPUPerfHintAnalysis.cpp \
AMDILCFGStructurizer.cpp \
AMDGPUPrintfRuntimeBinding.cpp \
+ AMDGPUResourceUsageAnalysis.cpp \
GCNHazardRecognizer.cpp \
GCNIterativeScheduler.cpp \
GCNMinRegStrategy.cpp \
R600OptimizeVectorRegisters.cpp \
R600Packetizer.cpp \
R600RegisterInfo.cpp \
- SIAddIMGInit.cpp \
SIAnnotateControlFlow.cpp \
SIFixSGPRCopies.cpp \
- SIFixupVectorISel.cpp \
SIFixVGPRCopies.cpp \
SIPreAllocateWWMRegs.cpp \
SIFoldOperands.cpp \
SIFormMemoryClauses.cpp \
SIFrameLowering.cpp \
SIInsertHardClauses.cpp \
- SIInsertSkips.cpp \
+ SILateBranchLowering.cpp \
SIInsertWaitcnts.cpp \
SIInstrInfo.cpp \
SIISelLowering.cpp \
SIMemoryLegalizer.cpp \
SIOptimizeExecMasking.cpp \
SIOptimizeExecMaskingPreRA.cpp \
+ SIOptimizeVGPRLiveRange.cpp \
SIPeepholeSDWA.cpp \
SIPostRABundler.cpp \
SIPreEmitPeephole.cpp \
+ SIProgramInfo.cpp \
SIRegisterInfo.cpp \
- SIRemoveShortExecBranches.cpp \
SIShrinkInstructions.cpp \
SIWholeQuadMode.cpp \
GCNILPSched.cpp \
- GCNRegBankReassign.cpp \
GCNNSAReassign.cpp \
GCNDPPCombine.cpp \
+ GCNPreRAOptimizations.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2020/08/03 14:45:24 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
CPPFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm/AMDGPU \
-SRCS+= AMDGPUBaseInfo.cpp \
- AMDKernelCodeTUtils.cpp \
- AMDGPUAsmUtils.cpp \
- AMDGPUPALMetadata.cpp
+SRCS+= AMDGPUAsmUtils.cpp \
+ AMDGPUBaseInfo.cpp \
+ AMDGPULDSUtils.cpp \
+ AMDGPUPALMetadata.cpp \
+ AMDKernelCodeTUtils.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/AMDGPU/Utils
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
ARMParallelDSP.cpp \
ARMLoadStoreOptimizer.cpp \
ARMLowOverheadLoops.cpp \
+ ARMBlockPlacement.cpp \
ARMMCInstLower.cpp \
ARMMachineFunctionInfo.cpp \
ARMMacroFusion.cpp \
ARMOptimizeBarriersPass.cpp \
ARMRegisterBankInfo.cpp \
ARMSelectionDAGInfo.cpp \
+ ARMSLSHardening.cpp \
ARMSubtarget.cpp \
ARMTargetMachine.cpp \
ARMTargetObjectFile.cpp \
ARMTargetTransformInfo.cpp \
MLxExpansionPass.cpp \
MVEGatherScatterLowering.cpp \
+ MVELaneInterleavingPass.cpp \
MVETailPredication.cpp \
MVEVPTBlockPass.cpp \
- MVEVPTOptimisationsPass.cpp \
+ MVETPAndVPTOptimisationsPass.cpp \
Thumb1FrameLowering.cpp \
Thumb1InstrInfo.cpp \
ThumbRegisterInfo.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMAnalysis
CodeMetrics.cpp \
ConstantFolding.cpp \
DDG.cpp \
+ DDGPrinter.cpp \
+ ConstraintSystem.cpp \
Delinearization.cpp \
DemandedBits.cpp \
DependenceAnalysis.cpp \
DependenceGraphBuilder.cpp \
+ DevelopmentModeInlineAdvisor.cpp \
DivergenceAnalysis.cpp \
DomPrinter.cpp \
DomTreeUpdater.cpp \
DominanceFrontier.cpp \
EHPersonalities.cpp \
+ FunctionPropertiesAnalysis.cpp \
GlobalsModRef.cpp \
GuardUtils.cpp \
HeatUtils.cpp \
+ IRSimilarityIdentifier.cpp \
IVDescriptors.cpp \
IVUsers.cpp \
+ ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics.cpp \
IndirectCallPromotionAnalysis.cpp \
InlineCost.cpp \
InlineAdvisor.cpp \
- InlineFeaturesAnalysis.cpp \
InlineSizeEstimatorAnalysis.cpp \
InstCount.cpp \
InstructionPrecedenceTracking.cpp \
LoopUnrollAnalyzer.cpp \
LoopInfo.cpp \
LoopPass.cpp \
+ MLInlineAdvisor.cpp \
MemDepPrinter.cpp \
MemDerefPrinter.cpp \
MemoryBuiltins.cpp \
ObjCARCAnalysisUtils.cpp \
ObjCARCInstKind.cpp \
OptimizationRemarkEmitter.cpp \
+ OverflowInstAnalysis.cpp \
PHITransAddr.cpp \
PhiValues.cpp \
PostDominators.cpp \
RegionInfo.cpp \
RegionPass.cpp \
RegionPrinter.cpp \
+ ReleaseModeModelRunner.cpp \
+ ReplayInlineAdvisor.cpp \
ScalarEvolution.cpp \
ScalarEvolutionAliasAnalysis.cpp \
ScalarEvolutionDivision.cpp \
StackSafetyAnalysis.cpp \
SyncDependenceAnalysis.cpp \
SyntheticCountsUtils.cpp \
+ TFUtils.cpp \
TargetLibraryInfo.cpp \
TargetTransformInfo.cpp \
Trace.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/04/28 12:55:38 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMAsmPrinter
SRCS+= AccelTable.cpp \
AddressPool.cpp \
+ AIXException.cpp \
ARMException.cpp \
AsmPrinter.cpp \
AsmPrinterDwarf.cpp \
EHStreamer.cpp \
ErlangGCPrinter.cpp \
OcamlGCPrinter.cpp \
+ PseudoProbePrinter.cpp \
WinCFGuard.cpp \
WinException.cpp \
CodeViewDebug.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
BranchFolding.cpp \
BranchRelaxation.cpp \
BreakFalseDeps.cpp \
- BuiltinGCs.cpp \
- BBSectionsPrepare.cpp \
+ BasicBlockSections.cpp \
CalcSpillWeights.cpp \
CallingConvLower.cpp \
CFGuardLongjmp.cpp \
CFIInstrInserter.cpp \
CodeGen.cpp \
+ CodeGenPassBuilder.cpp \
CodeGenPrepare.cpp \
CommandFlags.cpp \
CriticalAntiDepBreaker.cpp \
DwarfEHPrepare.cpp \
EarlyIfConversion.cpp \
EdgeBundles.cpp \
+ EHContGuardCatchret.cpp \
ExecutionDomainFix.cpp \
ExpandMemCmp.cpp \
ExpandPostRAPseudos.cpp \
ExpandReductions.cpp \
+ ExpandVectorPredication.cpp \
FaultMaps.cpp \
FEntryInserter.cpp \
FinalizeISel.cpp \
GCMetadata.cpp \
GCMetadataPrinter.cpp \
GCRootLowering.cpp \
- GCStrategy.cpp \
GlobalMerge.cpp \
HardwareLoops.cpp \
IfConversion.cpp \
LatencyPriorityQueue.cpp \
LazyMachineBlockFrequencyInfo.cpp \
LexicalScopes.cpp \
- LiveDebugValues.cpp \
LiveDebugVariables.cpp \
LiveIntervals.cpp \
LiveInterval.cpp \
MachineCombiner.cpp \
MachineCopyPropagation.cpp \
MachineCSE.cpp \
+ MachineCheckDebugify.cpp \
MachineDebugify.cpp \
MachineDominanceFrontier.cpp \
MachineDominators.cpp \
MachineFunction.cpp \
MachineFunctionPass.cpp \
MachineFunctionPrinterPass.cpp \
+ MachineFunctionSplitter.cpp \
MachineInstrBundle.cpp \
MachineInstr.cpp \
MachineLICM.cpp \
MachineLoopUtils.cpp \
MachineModuleInfo.cpp \
MachineModuleInfoImpls.cpp \
+ MachineModuleSlotTracker.cpp \
MachineOperand.cpp \
MachineOptimizationRemarkEmitter.cpp \
MachineOutliner.cpp \
+ MachinePassManager.cpp \
MachinePipeliner.cpp \
MachinePostDominators.cpp \
MachineRegionInfo.cpp \
MachineStripDebug.cpp \
MachineTraceMetrics.cpp \
MachineVerifier.cpp \
+ MIRFSDiscriminator.cpp \
+ MIRYamlMapping.cpp \
ModuloSchedule.cpp \
+ MultiHazardRecognizer.cpp \
PatchableFunction.cpp \
MBFIWrapper.cpp \
MIRPrinter.cpp \
PreISelIntrinsicLowering.cpp \
ProcessImplicitDefs.cpp \
PrologEpilogInserter.cpp \
+ PseudoProbeInserter.cpp \
PseudoSourceValue.cpp \
RDFGraph.cpp \
RDFLiveness.cpp \
RegisterCoalescer.cpp \
RegisterPressure.cpp \
RegisterScavenging.cpp \
+ RemoveRedundantDebugValues.cpp \
RenameIndependentSubregs.cpp \
+ MachineStableHash.cpp \
MIRVRegNamerUtils.cpp \
MIRNamerPass.cpp \
MIRCanonicalizerPass.cpp \
RegisterUsageInfo.cpp \
RegUsageInfoCollector.cpp \
RegUsageInfoPropagate.cpp \
+ ReplaceWithVeclib.cpp \
ResetMachineFunctionPass.cpp \
ReturnProtectorLowering.cpp \
ReturnProtectorPass.cpp \
SafeStack.cpp \
SafeStackLayout.cpp \
- ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrin.cpp \
ScheduleDAG.cpp \
ScheduleDAGInstrs.cpp \
ScheduleDAGPrinter.cpp \
VirtRegMap.cpp \
WasmEHPrepare.cpp \
WinEHPrepare.cpp \
- XRayInstrumentation.cpp
+ XRayInstrumentation.cpp \
+ LiveDebugValues.cpp \
+ VarLocBasedImpl.cpp \
+ InstrRefBasedImpl.cpp
ln -s ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/CodeGen/Analysis.cpp $@
ln -s ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/CodeGen/LowLevelType.cpp $@
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/CodeGen
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/CodeGen/LiveDebugValues
CLEANFILES+= CodeGenAnalysis.cpp CodeGenLowLevelType.cpp
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
SRCS+= AbstractCallSite.cpp \
AsmWriter.cpp \
+ Assumptions.cpp \
Attributes.cpp \
AutoUpgrade.cpp \
BasicBlock.cpp \
+ BuiltinGCs.cpp \
Comdat.cpp \
ConstantFold.cpp \
ConstantRange.cpp \
Dominators.cpp \
FPEnv.cpp \
Function.cpp \
+ GCStrategy.cpp \
GVMaterializer.cpp \
Globals.cpp \
IRBuilder.cpp \
PassManager.cpp \
PassRegistry.cpp \
PassTimingInfo.cpp \
+ PrintPasses.cpp \
SafepointIRVerifier.cpp \
ProfileSummary.cpp \
+ PseudoProbe.cpp \
+ ReplaceConstant.cpp \
Statepoint.cpp \
+ StructuralHash.cpp \
Type.cpp \
TypeFinder.cpp \
Use.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
NativeEnumInjectedSources.cpp \
NativeEnumLineNumbers.cpp \
NativeEnumModules.cpp \
+ NativeEnumSymbols.cpp \
NativeEnumTypes.cpp \
NativeExeSymbol.cpp \
NativeFunctionSymbol.cpp \
+ NativeInlineSiteSymbol.cpp \
NativeLineNumber.cpp \
NativePublicSymbol.cpp \
NativeRawSymbol.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2020/08/03 14:45:25 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMDemangle
SRCS+= Demangle.cpp \
ItaniumDemangle.cpp \
MicrosoftDemangle.cpp \
- MicrosoftDemangleNodes.cpp
+ MicrosoftDemangleNodes.cpp \
+ RustDemangle.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Demangle
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMExecutionEngine
MachO_x86_64.cpp \
MachOLinkGraphBuilder.cpp \
ExecutionEngineELF.cpp \
- ELF_x86_64.cpp
+ ELFLinkGraphBuilder.cpp \
+ ELF_riscv.cpp \
+ ELF_x86_64.cpp \
+ riscv.cpp \
+ x86_64.cpp
-# OrcError
+# OrcShared
SRCS+= OrcError.cpp \
- RPCError.cpp \
+ RPCError.cpp
-# OrcJIT
+# OrcTargetProcess
+SRCS+= JITLoaderGDB.cpp \
+ RegisterEHFrames.cpp \
+ TargetExecutionUtils.cpp
+# Orc
SRCS+= CompileOnDemandLayer.cpp \
CompileUtils.cpp \
ExecutionEngineCore.cpp \
+ DebugObjectManagerPlugin.cpp \
DebugUtils.cpp \
+ EPCDynamicLibrarySearchGenerator.cpp \
+ EPCDebugObjectRegistrar.cpp \
+ EPCEHFrameRegistrar.cpp \
+ EPCIndirectionUtils.cpp \
ExecutionUtils.cpp \
IndirectionUtils.cpp \
IRCompileLayer.cpp \
IRTransformLayer.cpp \
JITTargetMachineBuilder.cpp \
LazyReexports.cpp \
- Legacy.cpp \
Layer.cpp \
LLJIT.cpp \
MachOPlatform.cpp \
Mangling.cpp \
- NullResolver.cpp \
ObjectLinkingLayer.cpp \
ObjectTransformLayer.cpp \
OrcABISupport.cpp \
- OrcCBindings.cpp \
OrcV2CBindings.cpp \
- OrcMCJITReplacement.cpp \
RTDyldObjectLinkingLayer.cpp \
- ThreadSafeModule.cpp \
Speculation.cpp \
- SpeculateAnalyses.cpp
+ SpeculateAnalyses.cpp \
+ ExecutorProcessControl.cpp \
+ ThreadSafeModule.cpp
# RuntimeDyld
SRCS+= JITSymbol.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/JITLink
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/MCJIT
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc
-.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/OrcError
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/Orc/TargetProcess
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/ExecutionEngine/RuntimeDyld/Targets
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMFrontendOpenACC
SRCS+= ACC.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenACC
- ln -sf ${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm/Frontend/OpenACC/ACC.cpp $@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMFrontendOpenMP
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Frontend/OpenMP
- ln -sf ${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm/Frontend/OpenMP/OMP.cpp $@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
Legalizer.cpp \
LegalizerHelper.cpp \
LegalizerInfo.cpp \
+ LegacyLegalizerInfo.cpp \
Localizer.cpp \
LostDebugLocObserver.cpp \
MachineIRBuilder.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMInstrumentation
ControlHeightReduction.cpp \
DataFlowSanitizer.cpp \
GCOVProfiling.cpp \
+ MemProfiler.cpp \
MemorySanitizer.cpp \
IndirectCallPromotion.cpp \
Instrumentation.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
MCObjectFileInfo.cpp \
MCObjectStreamer.cpp \
MCObjectWriter.cpp \
+ MCPseudoProbe.cpp \
MCRegisterInfo.cpp \
MCSchedule.cpp \
MCSection.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
MCAsmParserExtension.cpp \
MCTargetAsmParser.cpp \
MasmParser.cpp \
- WasmAsmParser.cpp
+ WasmAsmParser.cpp \
+ XCOFFAsmParser.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/MC/MCParser
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:39 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
ObjectELF.cpp \
ELFObjectFile.cpp \
ObjectError.cpp \
+ FaultMapParser.cpp \
IRObjectFile.cpp \
IRSymtab.cpp \
MachOObjectFile.cpp \
SymbolSize.cpp \
TapiFile.cpp \
TapiUniversal.cpp \
+ MachOUniversalWriter.cpp \
WasmObjectFile.cpp \
WindowsMachineFlag.cpp \
WindowsResource.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
CPPFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm/PowerPC \
+# GISel
+SRCS+= PPCInstructionSelector.cpp \
+ PPCCallLowering.cpp \
+ PPCRegisterBankInfo.cpp \
+ PPCLegalizerInfo.cpp
SRCS+= PPCBoolRetToInt.cpp \
PPCAsmPrinter.cpp \
PPCBranchSelector.cpp \
PPCCallingConv.cpp \
PPCCCState.cpp \
PPCCTRLoops.cpp \
+ PPCExpandAtomicPseudoInsts.cpp \
PPCHazardRecognizers.cpp \
PPCInstrInfo.cpp \
PPCMIPeephole.cpp \
PPCRegisterInfo.cpp \
PPCReturnProtectorLowering.cpp \
- PPCQPXLoadSplat.cpp \
PPCSubtarget.cpp \
PPCTargetMachine.cpp \
PPCTargetObjectFile.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/GISel
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
PPCPredicates.cpp \
PPCELFObjectWriter.cpp \
PPCXCOFFObjectWriter.cpp \
- PPCELFStreamer.cpp
+ PPCELFStreamer.cpp \
+ PPCXCOFFStreamer.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/PowerPC/MCTargetDesc
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/29 05:32:01 drahn Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:45 patrick Exp $
RISCVExpandPseudoInsts.cpp \
RISCVFrameLowering.cpp \
+ RISCVInsertVSETVLI.cpp \
RISCVInstrInfo.cpp \
RISCVInstructionSelector.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/29 05:32:01 drahn Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
SRCS+= RISCVAsmBackend.cpp \
+ RISCVBaseInfo.cpp \
RISCVELFObjectWriter.cpp \
RISCVELFStreamer.cpp \
RISCVInstPrinter.cpp \
RISCVMCCodeEmitter.cpp \
RISCVMCExpr.cpp \
RISCVMCTargetDesc.cpp \
+ RISCVMatInt.cpp \
+++ /dev/null
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/04/29 05:32:01 drahn Exp $
-CPPFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm/RISCV \
- -I${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/Target/RISCV
-SRCS+= RISCVBaseInfo.cpp \
- RISCVMatInt.cpp
-.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/Target/RISCV/Utils
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMScalarOpts
SRCS+= ADCE.cpp \
AlignmentFromAssumptions.cpp \
+ AnnotationRemarks.cpp \
BDCE.cpp \
CallSiteSplitting.cpp \
ConstantHoisting.cpp \
- ConstantProp.cpp \
+ ConstraintElimination.cpp \
CorrelatedValuePropagation.cpp \
DCE.cpp \
DeadStoreElimination.cpp \
+ DFAJumpThreading.cpp \
DivRemPairs.cpp \
EarlyCSE.cpp \
FlattenCFGPass.cpp \
JumpThreading.cpp \
LICM.cpp \
LoopAccessAnalysisPrinter.cpp \
+ LoopBoundSplit.cpp \
LoopSink.cpp \
LoopDeletion.cpp \
LoopDataPrefetch.cpp \
LoopIdiomRecognize.cpp \
LoopInstSimplify.cpp \
LoopInterchange.cpp \
+ LoopFlatten.cpp \
LoopLoadElimination.cpp \
LoopPassManager.cpp \
LoopPredication.cpp \
SROA.cpp \
Scalar.cpp \
Scalarizer.cpp \
+ ScalarizeMaskedMemIntrin.cpp \
SeparateConstOffsetFromGEP.cpp \
SimpleLoopUnswitch.cpp \
SimplifyCFGPass.cpp \
Sink.cpp \
SpeculativeExecution.cpp \
- SpeculateAroundPHIs.cpp \
StraightLineStrengthReduce.cpp \
StructurizeCFG.cpp \
TailRecursionElimination.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMSupport
ABIBreak.cpp \
ARMTargetParser.cpp \
AMDGPUMetadata.cpp \
+ APFixedPoint.cpp \
APFloat.cpp \
APInt.cpp \
APSInt.cpp \
SupportError.cpp \
ErrorHandling.cpp \
ExtensibleRTTI.cpp \
- FileCheck.cpp \
FileCollector.cpp \
FileUtilities.cpp \
FileOutputBuffer.cpp \
GraphWriter.cpp \
Hashing.cpp \
InitLLVM.cpp \
+ InstructionCost.cpp \
IntEqClasses.cpp \
IntervalMap.cpp \
ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer.cpp \
MathExtras.cpp \
MemAlloc.cpp \
MemoryBuffer.cpp \
+ MemoryBufferRef.cpp \
MD5.cpp \
NativeFormatting.cpp \
OptimizedStructLayout.cpp \
TrigramIndex.cpp \
Triple.cpp \
Twine.cpp \
+ TypeSize.cpp \
Unicode.cpp \
UnicodeCaseFold.cpp \
VersionTuple.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile.shared,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile.shared,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMSupport
ABIBreak.cpp \
ARMTargetParser.cpp \
AMDGPUMetadata.cpp \
+ APFixedPoint.cpp \
APFloat.cpp \
APInt.cpp \
APSInt.cpp \
SupportError.cpp \
ErrorHandling.cpp \
ExtensibleRTTI.cpp \
- FileCheck.cpp \
FileCollector.cpp \
FileUtilities.cpp \
FileOutputBuffer.cpp \
GraphWriter.cpp \
Hashing.cpp \
InitLLVM.cpp \
+ InstructionCost.cpp \
IntEqClasses.cpp \
IntervalMap.cpp \
ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer.cpp \
MathExtras.cpp \
MemAlloc.cpp \
MemoryBuffer.cpp \
+ MemoryBufferRef.cpp \
MD5.cpp \
NativeFormatting.cpp \
OptimizedStructLayout.cpp \
TrigramIndex.cpp \
Triple.cpp \
Twine.cpp \
+ TypeSize.cpp \
Unicode.cpp \
UnicodeCaseFold.cpp \
VersionTuple.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
CPPFLAGS+= -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/TableGen
.include <bsd.own.mk>
-SRCS= TableGenError.cpp \
+SRCS= DetailedRecordsBackend.cpp \
+ TableGenError.cpp \
JSONBackend.cpp \
Main.cpp \
Record.cpp \
SetTheory.cpp \
StringMatcher.cpp \
TableGenBackend.cpp \
+ TableGenBackendSkeleton.cpp \
TGLexer.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
-# TextAPI/ELF
-SRCS+= ELFStub.cpp \
- TBEHandler.cpp
-# TextAPI/MachO
+# TextAPI
SRCS+= Architecture.cpp \
ArchitectureSet.cpp \
InterfaceFile.cpp \
- ln -s ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/TextAPI/MachO/Target.cpp $@
+ ln -s ${LLVM_SRCS}/lib/TextAPI/Target.cpp $@
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/TextAPI
-.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/TextAPI/ELF
-.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/lib/TextAPI/MachO
CLEANFILES+= TextAPITarget.cpp
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= LLVMTransformUtils
FunctionImportUtils.cpp \
GlobalStatus.cpp \
TransformUtilsGuardUtils.cpp \
+ HelloWorld.cpp \
InlineFunction.cpp \
- ImportedFunctionsInliningStatistics.cpp \
InjectTLIMappings.cpp \
InstructionNamer.cpp \
IntegerDivision.cpp \
LCSSA.cpp \
LibCallsShrinkWrap.cpp \
Local.cpp \
+ LoopPeel.cpp \
LoopRotationUtils.cpp \
LoopSimplify.cpp \
LoopUnroll.cpp \
LoopUnrollAndJam.cpp \
- LoopUnrollPeel.cpp \
LoopUnrollRuntime.cpp \
LoopUtils.cpp \
LoopVersioning.cpp \
LowerInvoke.cpp \
LowerMemIntrinsics.cpp \
LowerSwitch.cpp \
+ MatrixUtils.cpp \
+ MemoryOpRemark.cpp \
Mem2Reg.cpp \
MetaRenamer.cpp \
- MisExpect.cpp \
ModuleUtils.cpp \
NameAnonGlobals.cpp \
PredicateInfo.cpp \
PromoteMemoryToRegister.cpp \
+ RelLookupTableConverter.cpp \
ScalarEvolutionExpander.cpp \
+ SCCPSolver.cpp \
StripGCRelocates.cpp \
SSAUpdater.cpp \
SSAUpdaterBulk.cpp \
+ SampleProfileLoaderBaseUtil.cpp \
SanitizerStats.cpp \
SimplifyCFG.cpp \
SimplifyIndVar.cpp \
SymbolRewriter.cpp \
UnifyFunctionExitNodes.cpp \
UnifyLoopExits.cpp \
- UniqueInternalLinkageNames.cpp \
TransformUtilsUtils.cpp \
ValueMapper.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.17 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
X86CallingConv.cpp \
X86CallLowering.cpp \
X86CmovConversion.cpp \
- X86CondBrFolding.cpp \
X86DomainReassignment.cpp \
X86DiscriminateMemOps.cpp \
+ X86LowerTileCopy.cpp \
+ X86LowerAMXType.cpp \
+ X86PreAMXConfig.cpp \
+ X86LowerAMXIntrinsics.cpp \
+ X86TileConfig.cpp \
+ X86FastTileConfig.cpp \
+ X86PreTileConfig.cpp \
X86ExpandPseudo.cpp \
X86FastISel.cpp \
X86FixupBWInsts.cpp \
X86IndirectThunks.cpp \
X86InterleavedAccess.cpp \
X86InsertPrefetch.cpp \
+ X86InstCombineIntrinsic.cpp \
X86InstrFMA3Info.cpp \
X86InstrFoldTables.cpp \
X86InstrInfo.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.14 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
CPPFLAGS+= -I${LLVM_SRCS}/include/llvm/Transforms/IPO
SRCS+= AlwaysInliner.cpp \
+ Annotation2Metadata.cpp \
ArgumentPromotion.cpp \
Attributor.cpp \
AttributorAttributes.cpp \
ForceFunctionAttrs.cpp \
FunctionAttrs.cpp \
FunctionImport.cpp \
+ FunctionSpecialization.cpp \
GlobalDCE.cpp \
GlobalOpt.cpp \
GlobalSplit.cpp \
HotColdSplitting.cpp \
- IPConstantPropagation.cpp \
IPO.cpp \
+ IROutliner.cpp \
InferFunctionAttrs.cpp \
InlineSimple.cpp \
Inliner.cpp \
PartialInlining.cpp \
PassManagerBuilder.cpp \
PruneEH.cpp \
+ SampleContextTracker.cpp \
SampleProfile.cpp \
+ SampleProfileProbe.cpp \
ipoSCCP.cpp \
StripDeadPrototypes.cpp \
StripSymbols.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= clangAnalysis
.include <bsd.own.mk>
SRCS= AnalysisDeclContext.cpp \
BodyFarm.cpp \
+ CalledOnceCheck.cpp \
CFG.cpp \
CFGReachabilityAnalysis.cpp \
CFGStmtMap.cpp \
CodeInjector.cpp \
Dominators.cpp \
ExprMutationAnalyzer.cpp \
+ IssueHash.cpp \
LiveVariables.cpp \
ObjCNoReturn.cpp \
PathDiagnostic.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= clangBasic
CharInfo.cpp \
CodeGenOptions.cpp \
Cuda.cpp \
+ DarwinSDKInfo.cpp \
Diagnostic.cpp \
DiagnosticIDs.cpp \
DiagnosticOptions.cpp \
ExpressionTraits.cpp \
+ FileEntry.cpp \
FileManager.cpp \
FileSystemStatCache.cpp \
- FixedPoint.cpp \
IdentifierTable.cpp \
LangOptions.cpp \
LangStandards.cpp \
Module.cpp \
ObjCRuntime.cpp \
+ OpenCLOptions.cpp \
OpenMPKinds.cpp \
OperatorPrecedence.cpp \
- SanitizerBlacklist.cpp \
+ ProfileList.cpp \
+ NoSanitizeList.cpp \
SanitizerSpecialCaseList.cpp \
Sanitizers.cpp \
SourceLocation.cpp \
SourceManager.cpp \
Stack.cpp \
+ TargetID.cpp \
TargetInfo.cpp \
Targets.cpp \
TokenKinds.cpp \
Hexagon.cpp \
Lanai.cpp \
Le64.cpp \
+ M68k.cpp \
MSP430.cpp \
Mips.cpp \
NVPTX.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/clang/lib/Basic
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/clang/lib/Basic/Targets
+ touch $@
@# Nothing here so far ...
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2020/08/03 14:45:28 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= clangCodeGen
CGObjCRuntime.cpp \
CGOpenCLRuntime.cpp \
CGOpenMPRuntime.cpp \
+ CGOpenMPRuntimeAMDGCN.cpp \
+ CGOpenMPRuntimeGPU.cpp \
CGOpenMPRuntimeNVPTX.cpp \
CGRecordLayoutBuilder.cpp \
CGStmt.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= clangDriver
# Driver
SRCS= Action.cpp \
Compilation.cpp \
- DarwinSDKInfo.cpp \
Distro.cpp \
Driver.cpp \
DriverOptions.cpp \
SRCS+= AIX.cpp \
Ananas.cpp \
AMDGPU.cpp \
+ AMDGPUOpenMP.cpp \
AVR.cpp \
BareMetal.cpp \
Clang.cpp \
WebAssembly.cpp \
XCore.cpp \
PPCLinux.cpp \
- InterfaceStubs.cpp
+ InterfaceStubs.cpp \
+ ZOS.cpp
# Driver/Toolchains/Arch
SRCS+= AArch64.cpp \
ARM.cpp \
+ M68k.cpp \
Mips.cpp \
PPC.cpp \
RISCV.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/04/28 12:55:40 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= clangFrontend
FrontendAction.cpp \
FrontendActions.cpp \
FrontendOptions.cpp \
- FrontendTiming.cpp \
HeaderIncludeGen.cpp \
InitHeaderSearch.cpp \
InitPreprocessor.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.3 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldCommon
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lld/Common
+ touch $@
@# Nothing here so far ...
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbAPI
SBThreadCollection.cpp \
SBThreadPlan.cpp \
SBTrace.cpp \
- SBTraceOptions.cpp \
SBType.cpp \
SBTypeCategory.cpp \
SBTypeEnumMember.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbBreakpoint
BreakpointSiteList.cpp \
Stoppoint.cpp \
StoppointCallbackContext.cpp \
- StoppointLocation.cpp \
+ StoppointSite.cpp \
Watchpoint.cpp \
WatchpointList.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbCommands
CommandObjectFrame.cpp \
CommandObjectGUI.cpp \
CommandObjectHelp.cpp \
+ CommandObjectLanguage.cpp \
CommandObjectLog.cpp \
CommandObjectMemory.cpp \
+ CommandObjectMemoryTag.cpp \
CommandObjectMultiword.cpp \
CommandObjectPlatform.cpp \
CommandObjectPlugin.cpp \
CommandObjectProcess.cpp \
CommandObjectQuit.cpp \
+ CommandObjectRegexCommand.cpp \
CommandObjectRegister.cpp \
CommandObjectReproducer.cpp \
+ CommandObjectScript.cpp \
+ CommandObjectSession.cpp \
CommandObjectSettings.cpp \
CommandObjectSource.cpp \
CommandObjectStats.cpp \
CommandObjectTarget.cpp \
CommandObjectThread.cpp \
+ CommandObjectThreadUtil.cpp \
+ CommandObjectTrace.cpp \
CommandObjectType.cpp \
CommandObjectVersion.cpp \
CommandObjectWatchpoint.cpp \
CommandObjectWatchpointCommand.cpp \
- CommandObjectLanguage.cpp
+ CommandOptionsProcessLaunch.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Commands
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbCore
AddressRange.cpp \
AddressResolver.cpp \
AddressResolverFileLine.cpp \
- AddressResolverName.cpp \
Communication.cpp \
Debugger.cpp \
+ Declaration.cpp \
Disassembler.cpp \
DumpDataExtractor.cpp \
DumpRegisterValue.cpp \
ModuleList.cpp \
Opcode.cpp \
PluginManager.cpp \
+ Progress.cpp \
RichManglingContext.cpp \
SearchFilter.cpp \
Section.cpp \
+ SourceLocationSpec.cpp \
SourceManager.cpp \
StreamAsynchronousIO.cpp \
StreamFile.cpp \
ValueObjectMemory.cpp \
ValueObjectRegister.cpp \
ValueObjectSyntheticFilter.cpp \
+ ValueObjectUpdater.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Core
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:41 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbInterpreter
CommandHistory.cpp \
CommandInterpreter.cpp \
CommandObject.cpp \
- CommandObjectRegexCommand.cpp \
- CommandObjectScript.cpp \
CommandOptionValidators.cpp \
CommandReturnObject.cpp \
OptionArgParser.cpp \
OptionValueChar.cpp \
OptionValueDictionary.cpp \
OptionValueEnumeration.cpp \
+ OptionValueFileColonLine.cpp \
OptionValueFileSpec.cpp \
OptionValueFileSpecList.cpp \
OptionValueFormat.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbPluginObjectFile
ObjectFileELF.cpp \
ObjectFileJIT.cpp \
ObjectFileMachO.cpp \
+ ObjectFilePDB.cpp \
ObjectFilePECOFF.cpp \
PECallFrameInfo.cpp \
WindowsMiniDump.cpp \
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/Breakpad
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/ELF
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/Mach-O
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/PDB
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/PECOFF
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/JIT
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/ObjectFile/wasm
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:46 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbPluginPlatform
PlatformDarwin.cpp \
PlatformDarwinKernel.cpp \
PlatformMacOSX.cpp \
- PlatformRemoteiOS.cpp \
+ PlatformRemoteAppleBridge.cpp \
PlatformRemoteAppleTV.cpp \
PlatformRemoteAppleWatch.cpp \
PlatformRemoteDarwinDevice.cpp \
- PlatformRemoteAppleBridge.cpp \
+ PlatformRemoteMacOSX.cpp \
+ PlatformRemoteiOS.cpp \
PlatformNetBSD.cpp \
PlatformOpenBSD.cpp \
PlatformPOSIX.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.9 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbPluginProcess
SRCS= NativeProcessOpenBSD.cpp \
NativeRegisterContextOpenBSD.cpp \
NativeRegisterContextOpenBSD_arch.cpp \
+ NativeRegisterContextOpenBSD_arm64.cpp \
+ NativeRegisterContextOpenBSD_x86_64.cpp \
# Process/POSIX
InferiorCallPOSIX.cpp \
LinuxProcMaps.cpp \
LinuxSignals.cpp \
+ MemoryTagManagerAArch64MTE.cpp \
MipsLinuxSignals.cpp \
+ NativeProcessSoftwareSingleStep.cpp \
+ NativeRegisterContextDBReg_arm64.cpp \
+ NativeRegisterContextDBReg_x86.cpp \
NativeRegisterContextRegisterInfo.cpp \
NetBSDSignals.cpp \
OpenBSDSignals.cpp \
+ RegisterContext_x86.cpp \
RegisterContextDarwin_arm.cpp \
RegisterContextDarwin_arm64.cpp \
RegisterContextDarwin_i386.cpp \
RegisterContextHistory.cpp \
RegisterContextLinux_i386.cpp \
RegisterContextLinux_x86_64.cpp \
- RegisterContextLinux_mips64.cpp \
- RegisterContextLinux_mips.cpp \
RegisterContextLinux_s390x.cpp \
RegisterContextMach_arm.cpp \
RegisterContextMach_i386.cpp \
ProcessMinidump.cpp \
+# Process/scripted
+SRCS+= ScriptedProcess.cpp
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/OpenBSD
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/POSIX
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/gdb-remote
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/elf-core
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/mach-core
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/minidump
+.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/source/Plugins/Process/scripted
@# Nothing here so far ...
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbSymbol
CompilerType.cpp \
DWARFCallFrameInfo.cpp \
DebugMacros.cpp \
- Declaration.cpp \
DeclVendor.cpp \
FuncUnwinders.cpp \
Function.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbTarget
PathMappingList.cpp \
Platform.cpp \
Process.cpp \
+ ProcessTrace.cpp \
Queue.cpp \
QueueItem.cpp \
QueueList.cpp \
ThreadPlanTracer.cpp \
ThreadPlanStack.cpp \
ThreadSpec.cpp \
+ Trace.cpp \
+ TraceCursor.cpp \
+ TraceExporter.cpp \
+ TraceInstructionDumper.cpp \
UnixSignals.cpp \
UnwindAssembly.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
LIB= lldbUtility
RegularExpression.cpp \
Reproducer.cpp \
ReproducerInstrumentation.cpp \
+ ReproducerProvider.cpp \
Scalar.cpp \
SelectHelper.cpp \
State.cpp \
StructuredData.cpp \
TildeExpressionResolver.cpp \
Timer.cpp \
+ TraceGDBRemotePackets.cpp \
+ TraceIntelPTGDBRemotePackets.cpp \
+ UnimplementedError.cpp \
UUID.cpp \
UriParser.cpp \
UserID.cpp \
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.5 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
lldbTarget \
+BUILDFIRST= VCSVersion.inc LLGSOptions.inc
+ touch $@
+LLGSOptions.inc: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/lldb/tools/lldb-server/LLGSOptions.td
+ ${.OBJDIR}/../llvm-tblgen/llvm-tblgen -gen-opt-parser-defs \
+ -I ${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
+ -o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.11 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
-I ${LLVM_SRCS}/include \
-o ${.TARGET} ${.ALLSRC}
+ touch $@
.include <bsd.prog.mk>
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "LLDB" "1" "May 01, 2021" "11" "LLDB"
+.TH "LLDB" "1" "Aug 29, 2021" "" "LLDB"
lldb \- LLDB Documentation
\fBlldb\fP reads things like settings, aliases and commands from the
\&.lldbinit file.
-First, it will read the application specific init file whose name is
-~/.lldbinit followed by a "\-" and the name of the current program. This would
-be ~/.lldbinit\-lldb for the command line \fBlldb\fP and ~/.lldbinit\-Xcode
-for Xcode. If there is no application specific init file, the global
-~/.lldbinit is read.
+First, \fBlldb\fP will try to read the application specific init file
+whose name is ~/.lldbinit followed by a "\-" and the name of the current
+program. This would be ~/.lldbinit\-lldb for the command line \fBlldb\fP
+and ~/.lldbinit\-Xcode for Xcode. If there is no application specific init
+file, \fBlldb\fP will look for an init file in the home directory.
+If launched with a \fI\%REPL\fP option, it will first look for a REPL configuration
+file, specific to the REPL language. The init file should be named as follow:
+\fB\&.lldbinit\-<language>\-repl\fP (i.e. \fB\&.lldbinit\-swift\-repl\fP). If this file doesn\(aqt
+exist, or \fBlldb\fP wasn\(aqt launch with \fI\%REPL\fP, meaning there is neither
+a REPL init file nor an application specific init file, \fBlldb\fP will fallback to
+the global ~/.lldbinit.
Secondly, it will look for an .lldbinit file in the current working directory.
For security reasons, \fBlldb\fP will print a warning and not source this
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[23];
-} AvailableComponents[85] = {
- { "aarch64", nullptr, true, { "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "aarch64desc", "aarch64asmparser", "aarch64codegen", "aarch64disassembler" } },
- { "aarch64asmparser", "LLVMAArch64AsmParser", true, { "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcparser", "support" } },
- { "aarch64codegen", "LLVMAArch64CodeGen", true, { "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "globalisel", "cfguard" } },
- { "aarch64desc", "LLVMAArch64Desc", true, { "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "aarch64disassembler", "LLVMAArch64Disassembler", true, { "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "aarch64info", "LLVMAArch64Info", true, { "support" } },
- { "aarch64utils", "LLVMAArch64Utils", true, { "support" } },
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "aarch64", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[87];
+ } AvailableComponents[87] = {
+ { "aarch64", nullptr, true, {"aarch64codegen", "aarch64asmparser", "aarch64disassembler", "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils"} },
+{ "aarch64asmparser", "LLVMAArch64AsmParser", true, {"aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcparser", "support"} },
+{ "aarch64codegen", "LLVMAArch64CodeGen", true, {"aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "globalisel", "cfguard"} },
+{ "aarch64desc", "LLVMAArch64Desc", true, {"aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "aarch64disassembler", "LLVMAArch64Disassembler", true, {"aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "aarch64info", "LLVMAArch64Info", true, {"support"} },
+{ "aarch64utils", "LLVMAArch64Utils", true, {"support"} },
+{ "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "aarch64codegen", "aarch64asmparser", "aarch64disassembler", "aarch64desc", "aarch64info", "aarch64utils", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "aarch64", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"aarch64", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[23];
-} AvailableComponents[85] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "arm", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "arm", nullptr, true, { "arminfo", "armutils", "armdesc", "armasmparser", "armcodegen", "armdisassembler" } },
- { "armasmparser", "LLVMARMAsmParser", true, { "armdesc", "arminfo", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "armutils" } },
- { "armcodegen", "LLVMARMCodeGen", true, { "armdesc", "arminfo", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel", "armutils", "transformutils", "cfguard" } },
- { "armdesc", "LLVMARMDesc", true, { "arminfo", "armutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "armdisassembler", "LLVMARMDisassembler", true, { "armdesc", "arminfo", "mcdisassembler", "support", "armutils" } },
- { "arminfo", "LLVMARMInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "armutils", "LLVMARMUtils", true, { "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[87];
+ } AvailableComponents[87] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "armcodegen", "armasmparser", "armdisassembler", "armdesc", "arminfo", "armutils", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "arm", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"arm", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "arm", nullptr, true, {"armcodegen", "armasmparser", "armdisassembler", "armdesc", "arminfo", "armutils"} },
+{ "armasmparser", "LLVMARMAsmParser", true, {"armdesc", "arminfo", "mc", "mcparser", "support", "armutils"} },
+{ "armcodegen", "LLVMARMCodeGen", true, {"armdesc", "arminfo", "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel", "armutils", "transformutils", "cfguard"} },
+{ "armdesc", "LLVMARMDesc", true, {"arminfo", "armutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "armdisassembler", "LLVMARMDisassembler", true, {"armdesc", "arminfo", "mcdisassembler", "support", "armutils"} },
+{ "arminfo", "LLVMARMInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "armutils", "LLVMARMUtils", true, {"support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[24];
-} AvailableComponents[84] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "cfguard", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "mips", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mips", nullptr, true, { "mipsinfo", "mipsdesc", "mipsasmparser", "mipscodegen", "mipsdisassembler" } },
- { "mipsasmparser", "LLVMMipsAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
- { "mipscodegen", "LLVMMipsCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel" } },
- { "mipsdesc", "LLVMMipsDesc", true, { "mc", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
- { "mipsdisassembler", "LLVMMipsDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "mipsinfo", "support" } },
- { "mipsinfo", "LLVMMipsInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[86];
+ } AvailableComponents[86] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "mipscodegen", "mipsasmparser", "mipsdisassembler", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "mips", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"mips", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mips", nullptr, true, {"mipscodegen", "mipsasmparser", "mipsdisassembler", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo"} },
+{ "mipsasmparser", "LLVMMipsAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "support"} },
+{ "mipscodegen", "LLVMMipsCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "mipsdesc", "mipsinfo", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel"} },
+{ "mipsdesc", "LLVMMipsDesc", true, {"mc", "mipsinfo", "support"} },
+{ "mipsdisassembler", "LLVMMipsDisassembler", true, {"mcdisassembler", "mipsinfo", "support"} },
+{ "mipsinfo", "LLVMMipsInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[24];
-} AvailableComponents[84] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "cfguard", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "powerpc", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "powerpc", nullptr, true, { "powerpcinfo", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcasmparser", "powerpccodegen", "powerpcdisassembler" } },
- { "powerpcasmparser", "LLVMPowerPCAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "support" } },
- { "powerpccodegen", "LLVMPowerPCCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "powerpcdesc", "LLVMPowerPCDesc", true, { "mc", "powerpcinfo", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "powerpcdisassembler", "LLVMPowerPCDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "powerpcinfo", "support" } },
- { "powerpcinfo", "LLVMPowerPCInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[86];
+ } AvailableComponents[86] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "powerpccodegen", "powerpcasmparser", "powerpcdisassembler", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "powerpc", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"powerpc", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "powerpc", nullptr, true, {"powerpccodegen", "powerpcasmparser", "powerpcdisassembler", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo"} },
+{ "powerpcasmparser", "LLVMPowerPCAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "support"} },
+{ "powerpccodegen", "LLVMPowerPCCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "powerpcdesc", "powerpcinfo", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "globalisel"} },
+{ "powerpcdesc", "LLVMPowerPCDesc", true, {"mc", "powerpcinfo", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "powerpcdisassembler", "LLVMPowerPCDisassembler", true, {"mcdisassembler", "powerpcinfo", "support"} },
+{ "powerpcinfo", "LLVMPowerPCInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[24];
-} AvailableComponents[85] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "cfguard", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "riscv", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "riscv", nullptr, true, { "riscvinfo", "riscvutils", "riscvdesc", "riscvasmparser", "riscvcodegen", "riscvdisassembler" } },
- { "riscvasmparser", "LLVMRISCVAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "riscvutils", "support" } },
- { "riscvcodegen", "LLVMRISCVCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "core", "codegen", "mc", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "riscvutils", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel" } },
- { "riscvdesc", "LLVMRISCVDesc", true, { "mc", "riscvinfo", "riscvutils", "support" } },
- { "riscvdisassembler", "LLVMRISCVDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "riscvinfo", "support" } },
- { "riscvinfo", "LLVMRISCVInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "riscvutils", "LLVMRISCVUtils", true, { "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[86];
+ } AvailableComponents[86] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "riscvcodegen", "riscvasmparser", "riscvdisassembler", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "riscv", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"riscv", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "riscv", nullptr, true, {"riscvcodegen", "riscvasmparser", "riscvdisassembler", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo"} },
+{ "riscvasmparser", "LLVMRISCVAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "support"} },
+{ "riscvcodegen", "LLVMRISCVCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "core", "codegen", "mc", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "globalisel"} },
+{ "riscvdesc", "LLVMRISCVDesc", true, {"mc", "riscvinfo", "support"} },
+{ "riscvdisassembler", "LLVMRISCVDisassembler", true, {"mc", "mcdisassembler", "riscvdesc", "riscvinfo", "support"} },
+{ "riscvinfo", "LLVMRISCVInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[24];
-} AvailableComponents[84] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "cfguard", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "mcjit", "native", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "sparc", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "interpreter" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "sparc", nullptr, true, { "sparcinfo", "sparcdesc", "sparcasmparser", "sparccodegen", "sparcdisassembler" } },
- { "sparcasmparser", "LLVMSparcAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
- { "sparccodegen", "LLVMSparcCodeGen", true, { "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support", "target" } },
- { "sparcdesc", "LLVMSparcDesc", true, { "mc", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
- { "sparcdisassembler", "LLVMSparcDisassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "sparcinfo", "support" } },
- { "sparcinfo", "LLVMSparcInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[86];
+ } AvailableComponents[86] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "sparccodegen", "sparcasmparser", "sparcdisassembler", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "sparc", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"sparc", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "sparc", nullptr, true, {"sparccodegen", "sparcasmparser", "sparcdisassembler", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo"} },
+{ "sparcasmparser", "LLVMSparcAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support"} },
+{ "sparccodegen", "LLVMSparcCodeGen", true, {"asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "sparcdesc", "sparcinfo", "support", "target"} },
+{ "sparcdesc", "LLVMSparcDesc", true, {"mc", "sparcinfo", "support"} },
+{ "sparcdisassembler", "LLVMSparcDisassembler", true, {"mcdisassembler", "sparcinfo", "support"} },
+{ "sparcinfo", "LLVMSparcInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-//===- llvm-build generated file --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
-// Component Library Dependency Table
-// Automatically generated file, do not edit!
-struct AvailableComponent {
- /// The name of the component.
- const char *Name;
+ struct AvailableComponent {
+ /// The name of the component.
+ const char *Name;
- /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
- const char *Library;
+ /// The name of the library for this component (or NULL).
+ const char *Library;
- /// Whether the component is installed.
- bool IsInstalled;
+ /// Whether the component is installed.
+ bool IsInstalled;
- /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
- const char *RequiredLibraries[22];
-} AvailableComponents[84] = {
- { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "all", nullptr, true, { "all-targets", "coverage", "debuginfogsym", "dlltooldriver", "dwarflinker", "engine", "fuzzmutate", "gtest_main", "interpreter", "libdriver", "lineeditor", "lto", "mca", "nativecodegen", "objectyaml", "orcjit", "symbolize", "tablegen", "testingsupport", "windowsmanifest", "xray" } },
- { "all-targets", nullptr, true, { "x86", "amdgpu" } },
- { "amdgpu", nullptr, true, { "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpudisassembler" } },
- { "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support" } },
- { "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser" } },
- { "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, { "core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, { "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support" } },
- { "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, { "support" } },
- { "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, { "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support" } },
- { "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, { "binaryformat", "core", "support" } },
- { "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, { "analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target" } },
- { "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, { "bitstreamreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, { "support" } },
- { "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "core", "LLVMCore", true, { "binaryformat", "remarks", "support" } },
- { "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, { "analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, { "core", "object", "profiledata", "support" } },
- { "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, { "support", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support" } },
- { "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, { "mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf" } },
- { "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, { "support" } },
- { "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf" } },
- { "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, { } },
- { "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, { "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "engine", nullptr, true, { "mcjit", "native" } },
- { "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, { "support" } },
- { "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, { "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target" } },
- { "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "gtest", "gtest", false, { "support" } },
- { "gtest_main", "gtest_main", false, { "gtest" } },
- { "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata" } },
- { "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, { "codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support" } },
- { "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, { "asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support" } },
- { "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, { "binaryformat", "object", "support" } },
- { "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, { "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support" } },
- { "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, { "support" } },
- { "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, { "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "mc", "LLVMMC", true, { "support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview" } },
- { "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target" } },
- { "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, { "mc", "support" } },
- { "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, { "asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target" } },
- { "native", nullptr, true, { "x86" } },
- { "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, { "x86codegen" } },
- { "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "object", "LLVMObject", true, { "bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi" } },
- { "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, { "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc" } },
- { "option", "LLVMOption", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcerror", "LLVMOrcError", true, { "support" } },
- { "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, { "core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcerror", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation" } },
- { "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, { "core", "support" } },
- { "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, { "bitstreamreader", "support" } },
- { "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, { "core", "mc", "object", "support" } },
- { "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, { "aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, { "analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils" } },
- { "support", "LLVMSupport", true, { "demangle" } },
- { "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, { "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle" } },
- { "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, { "support" } },
- { "target", "LLVMTarget", true, { "analysis", "core", "mc", "support" } },
- { "testingsupport", "LLVMTestingSupport", false, { "support" } },
- { "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, { "support", "binaryformat" } },
- { "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, { "analysis", "core", "support" } },
- { "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, { "analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils" } },
- { "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, { "support" } },
- { "x86", nullptr, true, { "x86info", "x86desc", "x86codegen", "x86asmparser", "x86disassembler" } },
- { "x86asmparser", "LLVMX86AsmParser", true, { "mc", "mcparser", "support", "x86desc", "x86info" } },
- { "x86codegen", "LLVMX86CodeGen", true, { "analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "x86desc", "x86info", "globalisel", "profiledata", "cfguard" } },
- { "x86desc", "LLVMX86Desc", true, { "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support", "x86info", "binaryformat" } },
- { "x86disassembler", "LLVMX86Disassembler", true, { "mcdisassembler", "support", "x86info" } },
- { "x86info", "LLVMX86Info", true, { "support" } },
- { "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, { "support", "object" } },
+ /// The list of libraries required when linking this component.
+ const char *RequiredLibraries[86];
+ } AvailableComponents[86] = {
+ { "aggressiveinstcombine", "LLVMAggressiveInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "all", nullptr, true, {"demangle", "support", "tablegen", "core", "fuzzmutate", "filecheck", "interfacestub", "irreader", "codegen", "selectiondag", "asmprinter", "mirparser", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "bitstreamreader", "dwarflinker", "extensions", "frontendopenacc", "frontendopenmp", "transformutils", "instrumentation", "aggressiveinstcombine", "instcombine", "scalaropts", "ipo", "vectorize", "objcarcopts", "coroutines", "cfguard", "linker", "analysis", "lto", "mc", "mcparser", "mcdisassembler", "mca", "object", "objectyaml", "option", "remarks", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfogsym", "debuginfomsf", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfopdb", "symbolize", "dwp", "executionengine", "interpreter", "jitlink", "mcjit", "orcjit", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "target", "x86codegen", "x86asmparser", "x86disassembler", "x86desc", "x86info", "amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "asmparser", "lineeditor", "profiledata", "coverage", "passes", "textapi", "dlltooldriver", "libdriver", "xray", "windowsmanifest", "all-targets", "engine", "native", "nativecodegen", "x86", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "all-targets", nullptr, true, {"x86", "amdgpu"} },
+{ "amdgpu", nullptr, true, {"amdgpucodegen", "amdgpuasmparser", "amdgpudisassembler", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils"} },
+{ "amdgpuasmparser", "LLVMAMDGPUAsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpucodegen", "LLVMAMDGPUCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "ipo", "mc", "passes", "amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "scalaropts", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "globalisel", "binaryformat", "mirparser"} },
+{ "amdgpudesc", "LLVMAMDGPUDesc", true, {"core", "mc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "amdgpudisassembler", "LLVMAMDGPUDisassembler", true, {"amdgpudesc", "amdgpuinfo", "amdgpuutils", "mc", "mcdisassembler", "support"} },
+{ "amdgpuinfo", "LLVMAMDGPUInfo", true, {"support"} },
+{ "amdgpuutils", "LLVMAMDGPUUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "support"} },
+{ "analysis", "LLVMAnalysis", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "asmparser", "LLVMAsmParser", true, {"binaryformat", "core", "support"} },
+{ "asmprinter", "LLVMAsmPrinter", true, {"analysis", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfodwarf", "debuginfomsf", "mc", "mcparser", "remarks", "support", "target"} },
+{ "binaryformat", "LLVMBinaryFormat", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitreader", "LLVMBitReader", true, {"bitstreamreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "bitstreamreader", "LLVMBitstreamReader", true, {"support"} },
+{ "bitwriter", "LLVMBitWriter", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "cfguard", "LLVMCFGuard", true, {"core", "support"} },
+{ "codegen", "LLVMCodeGen", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "mc", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "core", "LLVMCore", true, {"binaryformat", "remarks", "support"} },
+{ "coroutines", "LLVMCoroutines", true, {"analysis", "core", "ipo", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "coverage", "LLVMCoverage", true, {"core", "object", "profiledata", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfocodeview", "LLVMDebugInfoCodeView", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfodwarf", "LLVMDebugInfoDWARF", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "debuginfogsym", "LLVMDebugInfoGSYM", true, {"mc", "object", "support", "debuginfodwarf"} },
+{ "debuginfomsf", "LLVMDebugInfoMSF", true, {"support"} },
+{ "debuginfopdb", "LLVMDebugInfoPDB", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "debuginfomsf"} },
+{ "demangle", "LLVMDemangle", true, {} },
+{ "dlltooldriver", "LLVMDlltoolDriver", true, {"object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "dwarflinker", "LLVMDWARFLinker", true, {"binaryformat", "debuginfodwarf", "asmprinter", "codegen", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "dwp", "LLVMDWP", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "mc", "object", "support", "target"} },
+{ "engine", nullptr, true, {"interpreter"} },
+{ "executionengine", "LLVMExecutionEngine", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "orctargetprocess", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "extensions", "LLVMExtensions", true, {"support"} },
+{ "filecheck", "LLVMFileCheck", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenacc", "LLVMFrontendOpenACC", true, {} },
+{ "frontendopenmp", "LLVMFrontendOpenMP", true, {"core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "fuzzmutate", "LLVMFuzzMutate", true, {"analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "scalaropts", "support", "target"} },
+{ "globalisel", "LLVMGlobalISel", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instcombine", "LLVMInstCombine", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "instrumentation", "LLVMInstrumentation", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support", "transformutils", "profiledata"} },
+{ "interfacestub", "LLVMInterfaceStub", true, {"binaryformat", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "interpreter", "LLVMInterpreter", true, {"codegen", "core", "executionengine", "support"} },
+{ "ipo", "LLVMipo", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "core", "frontendopenmp", "instcombine", "irreader", "linker", "object", "profiledata", "scalaropts", "support", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "irreader", "LLVMIRReader", true, {"asmparser", "bitreader", "core", "support"} },
+{ "jitlink", "LLVMJITLink", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "orctargetprocess", "support"} },
+{ "libdriver", "LLVMLibDriver", true, {"binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "object", "option", "support"} },
+{ "lineeditor", "LLVMLineEditor", true, {"support"} },
+{ "linker", "LLVMLinker", true, {"core", "object", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "lto", "LLVMLTO", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "binaryformat", "bitreader", "bitwriter", "codegen", "core", "extensions", "ipo", "instcombine", "linker", "mc", "objcarcopts", "object", "passes", "remarks", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "mc", "LLVMMC", true, {"support", "binaryformat", "debuginfocodeview"} },
+{ "mca", "LLVMMCA", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcdisassembler", "LLVMMCDisassembler", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mcjit", "LLVMMCJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "object", "runtimedyld", "support", "target"} },
+{ "mcparser", "LLVMMCParser", true, {"mc", "support"} },
+{ "mirparser", "LLVMMIRParser", true, {"asmparser", "binaryformat", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target"} },
+{ "native", nullptr, true, {"x86"} },
+{ "nativecodegen", nullptr, true, {"x86codegen"} },
+{ "objcarcopts", "LLVMObjCARCOpts", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "object", "LLVMObject", true, {"bitreader", "core", "mc", "binaryformat", "mcparser", "support", "textapi"} },
+{ "objectyaml", "LLVMObjectYAML", true, {"binaryformat", "object", "support", "debuginfocodeview", "mc"} },
+{ "option", "LLVMOption", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orcjit", "LLVMOrcJIT", true, {"core", "executionengine", "jitlink", "object", "orcshared", "orctargetprocess", "mc", "passes", "runtimedyld", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "orcshared", "LLVMOrcShared", true, {"support"} },
+{ "orctargetprocess", "LLVMOrcTargetProcess", true, {"orcshared", "support"} },
+{ "passes", "LLVMPasses", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "coroutines", "ipo", "instcombine", "objcarcopts", "scalaropts", "support", "target", "transformutils", "vectorize", "instrumentation"} },
+{ "profiledata", "LLVMProfileData", true, {"core", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "remarks", "LLVMRemarks", true, {"bitstreamreader", "support"} },
+{ "runtimedyld", "LLVMRuntimeDyld", true, {"core", "mc", "object", "support"} },
+{ "scalaropts", "LLVMScalarOpts", true, {"aggressiveinstcombine", "analysis", "core", "instcombine", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "selectiondag", "LLVMSelectionDAG", true, {"analysis", "codegen", "core", "mc", "support", "target", "transformutils"} },
+{ "support", "LLVMSupport", true, {"demangle"} },
+{ "symbolize", "LLVMSymbolize", true, {"debuginfodwarf", "debuginfopdb", "object", "support", "demangle"} },
+{ "tablegen", "LLVMTableGen", true, {"support"} },
+{ "target", "LLVMTarget", true, {"analysis", "core", "mc", "support"} },
+{ "textapi", "LLVMTextAPI", true, {"support", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "transformutils", "LLVMTransformUtils", true, {"analysis", "core", "support"} },
+{ "vectorize", "LLVMVectorize", true, {"analysis", "core", "support", "transformutils"} },
+{ "windowsmanifest", "LLVMWindowsManifest", true, {"support"} },
+{ "x86", nullptr, true, {"x86codegen", "x86asmparser", "x86disassembler", "x86desc", "x86info"} },
+{ "x86asmparser", "LLVMX86AsmParser", true, {"mc", "mcparser", "support", "x86desc", "x86info"} },
+{ "x86codegen", "LLVMX86CodeGen", true, {"analysis", "asmprinter", "codegen", "core", "mc", "selectiondag", "support", "target", "transformutils", "x86desc", "x86info", "globalisel", "profiledata", "cfguard"} },
+{ "x86desc", "LLVMX86Desc", true, {"mc", "mcdisassembler", "support", "x86info", "binaryformat"} },
+{ "x86disassembler", "LLVMX86Disassembler", true, {"mcdisassembler", "support", "x86info"} },
+{ "x86info", "LLVMX86Info", true, {"support"} },
+{ "xray", "LLVMXRay", true, {"support", "object"} },
\ No newline at end of file
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2021/04/29 05:51:57 jsg Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
PROG= llvm-config
BINDIR= /usr/bin
-PYTHON= python3
-LLVMBUILD= ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/utils/llvm-build/llvm-build
+CMAKE= cmake
+LLVMROOT= ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm
.include <bsd.own.mk>
SRCS= llvm-config.cpp
.for arch in ${NATIVE_ARCHS}
- --native-target ${LLVM_ARCH} \
- --enable-targets "${arch} AMDGPU" \
- --write-library-table ${.CURDIR}/LibraryDependencies.inc.${arch}
+ mkdir ${.CURDIR}/CMakeGen
+ mv ${.CURDIR}/CMakeGen/tools/llvm-config/LibraryDependencies.inc ${.CURDIR}/LibraryDependencies.inc.${arch}
+ rm -rf ${.CURDIR}/CMakeGen
CLEANFILES+= BuildVariables.inc LibraryDependencies.inc
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "LLVM-CONFIG" "1" "2021-05-01" "11" "LLVM"
+.TH "LLVM-CONFIG" "1" "2021-08-29" "13" "LLVM"
llvm-config \- Print LLVM compilation options
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/08/02 08:50:52 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
BINDIR= /usr/bin
-SRCS= Buffer.cpp \
+SRCS= ConfigManager.cpp \
+ llvm-objcopy.cpp \
COFFObjcopy.cpp \
COFFObject.cpp \
COFFReader.cpp \
COFFWriter.cpp \
- CopyConfig.cpp \
- ELFConfig.cpp \
ELFObjcopy.cpp \
ELFObject.cpp \
- MachOLayoutBuilder.cpp \
MachOObjcopy.cpp \
- MachOObject.cpp \
MachOReader.cpp \
MachOWriter.cpp \
- WasmObjcopy.cpp \
+ MachOLayoutBuilder.cpp \
+ MachOObject.cpp \
WasmObject.cpp \
WasmReader.cpp \
WasmWriter.cpp \
- llvm-objcopy.cpp
+ WasmObjcopy.cpp
ln -s ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objcopy/COFF/Object.cpp $@
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "LLVM-OBJCOPY" "1" "2021-07-28" "11" "LLVM"
+.TH "LLVM-OBJCOPY" "1" "2021-08-29" "13" "LLVM"
llvm-objcopy \- object copying and editing tool
.B \-\-discard\-all, \-x
Remove most local symbols from the output. Different file formats may limit
this to a subset of the local symbols. For example, file and section symbols in
-ELF objects will not be discarded.
+ELF objects will not be discarded. Additionally, remove all debug sections.
-.B \-\-build\-id\-link\-dir <dir>
-Set the directory used by \fI\%\-\-build\-id\-link\-input\fP and
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-build\-id\-link\-input <suffix>
-Hard\-link the input to \fB<dir>/xx/xxx<suffix>\fP, where \fB<dir>\fP is the directory
-specified by \fI\%\-\-build\-id\-link\-dir\fP\&. The path used is derived from the
-hex build ID.
-.INDENT 0.0
-.B \-\-build\-id\-link\-output <suffix>
-Hard\-link the output to \fB<dir>/xx/xxx<suffix>\fP, where \fB<dir>\fP is the directory
-specified by \fI\%\-\-build\-id\-link\-dir\fP\&. The path used is derived from the
-hex build ID.
-.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-change\-start <incr>, \-\-adjust\-start
Add \fB<incr>\fP to the program\(aqs start address. Can be specified multiple
times, in which case the values will be applied cumulatively.
.B \-\-weaken
Mark all defined global symbols as weak in the output.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-\-keep\-undefined
+Keep undefined symbols, even if they would otherwise be stripped.
The following values are currently supported by \fBllvm\-objcopy\fP for the
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.1 2021/08/02 08:50:52 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
BINDIR= /usr/bin
-SRCS= COFFDump.cpp \
+SRCS= llvm-objdump.cpp \
+ SourcePrinter.cpp \
+ COFFDump.cpp \
ELFDump.cpp \
MachODump.cpp \
WasmDump.cpp \
- XCOFFDump.cpp \
- llvm-objdump.cpp
+ XCOFFDump.cpp
+CPPFLAGS+= -I${.OBJDIR}/../include/llvm-objdump
.PATH: ${.CURDIR}/../../../llvm/llvm/tools/llvm-objdump
.\" Man page generated from reStructuredText.
-.TH "LLVM-OBJDUMP" "1" "2021-07-28" "11" "LLVM"
+.TH "LLVM-OBJDUMP" "1" "2021-08-29" "13" "LLVM"
llvm-objdump \- LLVM's object file dumper
-.B \-\-version
+.B \-v, \-\-version
Display the version of the \fBllvm\-objdump\fP executable. Does not stack
with other commands.
.B \-\-debug\-vars\-indent=<width>
Distance to indent the source\-level variable display, relative to the start
-of the disassembly. Defaults to 40 characters.
+of the disassembly. Defaults to 52 characters.
.B \-M, \-\-disassembler\-options=<opt1[,opt2,...]>
-Pass target\-specific disassembler options. Currently supported for ARM targets
-only. Available options are \fBreg\-names\-std\fP and \fBreg\-names\-raw\fP\&.
+Pass target\-specific disassembler options. Available options:
+.INDENT 7.0
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBreg\-names\-std\fP: ARM only (default). Print in ARM \(aqs instruction set documentation, with r13/r14/r15 replaced by sp/lr/pc.
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBreg\-names\-raw\fP: ARM only. Use r followed by the register number.
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBno\-aliases\fP: AArch64 and RISC\-V only. Print raw instruction mnemonic instead of pesudo instruction mnemonic.
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBnumeric\fP: RISC\-V only. Print raw register names instead of ABI mnemonic. (e.g. print x1 instead of ra)
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBatt\fP: x86 only (default). Print in the AT&T syntax.
+.IP \(bu 2
+\fBintel\fP: x86 only. Print in the intel syntax.
.B \-\-mattr=<a1,+a2,\-a3,...>
-Enable/disable target\-specific attributes. Specify \fB\-\-mcpu=help\fP to display
+Enable/disable target\-specific attributes. Specify \fB\-\-mattr=help\fP to display
the available attributes.
+.B \-\-no\-print\-imm\-hex
+Do not use hex format for immediate values in disassembly output (default).
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-no\-show\-raw\-insn
When disassembling, do not print the raw bytes of each instruction.
+.B \-\-prefix=<prefix>
+When disassembling with the \fI\%\-\-source\fP option, prepend \fBprefix\fP to
+absolute paths.
+.INDENT 0.0
+.B \-\-prefix\-strip=<level>
+When disassembling with the \fI\%\-\-source\fP option, strip out \fBlevel\fP
+initial directories from absolute paths. This option has no effect without
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-print\-imm\-hex
Use hex format when printing immediate values in disassembly output.
+.B \-\-symbolize\-operands
+When disassembling, symbolize a branch target operand to print a label instead of a real address.
+When printing a PC\-relative global symbol reference, print it as an offset from the leading symbol.
+Only works with an X86 linked image.
+.INDENT 7.0
+.B Example:
+A non\-symbolized branch instruction with a local target and pc\-relative memory access like
+.INDENT 7.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+cmp eax, dword ptr [rip + 4112]
+jge 0x20117e <_start+0x25>
+.ft P
+might become
+.INDENT 7.0
+.INDENT 3.5
+.ft C
+ cmp eax, dword ptr <g>
+ jge <L0>
+.ft P
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-triple=<string>
Target triple to disassemble for, see \fB\-\-version\fP for available targets.
.B \-\-x86\-asm\-syntax=<style>
When used with \fI\%\-\-disassemble\fP, choose style of code to emit from
X86 backend. Supported values are:
-.B \-\-cfg
-Create a CFG for every symbol in the object file and write it to a graphviz
-.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-data\-in\-code
Display the data in code table.
+.B \-\-function\-starts
+Print the function starts table for Mach\-O objects.
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-g
Print line information from debug info if available.
+.B \-\-rpaths
+Display runtime search paths for the binary.
+.INDENT 0.0
.B \-\-universal\-headers
Display universal headers.
To report bugs, please visit <\fI\%https://bugs.llvm.org/\fP>.
-\fBllvm\-nm(1)\fP, \fBllvm\-readelf(1)\fP, \fBllvm\-readobj(1)\fP
+\fBllvm\-nm(1)\fP, \fBllvm\-otool(1)\fP, \fBllvm\-readelf(1)\fP,
Maintained by the LLVM Team (https://llvm.org/).
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.12 2021/04/28 12:55:42 patrick Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.13 2021/12/17 14:55:47 patrick Exp $
PROG= llvm-tblgen
AsmWriterInst.cpp \
Attributes.cpp \
CallingConvEmitter.cpp \
+ CodeBeadsGen.cpp \
CodeEmitterGen.cpp \
CodeGenDAGPatterns.cpp \
CodeGenHwModes.cpp \