-$OpenBSD: README.ss,v 1.5 1997/03/11 03:40:49 kstailey Exp $
+$OpenBSD: README.ss,v 1.6 1997/03/11 15:46:01 kstailey Exp $
If you think SCSI tape drives are quirky you haven't seen anything.
Other Considerations
SCSI disconnect is missing from many scanners. Sucks huh? A slow
-peripheral that also monopolizes the bus.
+peripheral that also monopolizes the bus. This means that if your
+scanner does not support disconnect you need a second SCSI controller
+for it since access of the controller by any other devices will be
+locked out while you are scanning. Scanners that do this include
+MUSTEK flatbed scanners MFS 06000CX and MFS 12000CX, UMAX UC-630 &
+UG-630. Over time, as multi-tasking becomes more important to
+commoners^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HWindoze users, scanner vendors often supply
+new ROMs that can do disconnect.
The image data from the scanner driver is currently supposed to resemble
headerless PBM "rawbits". Depending on this is probably a bad idea