0xffffffff seems better in userland and kernel. still not exactly happy
with the situation.
long discussion with kettenis. anyone else have an opinion?
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile.armv7,v 1.29 2017/06/25 14:02:23 deraadt Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile.armv7,v 1.30 2017/06/29 13:04:09 deraadt Exp $
# For instructions on building kernels consult the config(8) and options(4)
# manual pages.
cp $S/conf/makegap.sh $@
gap.o: Makefile makegap.sh gapdummy.o
- sh makegap.sh 0xd4d4d4d4 gapdummy.o
+ sh makegap.sh 0xffffffff gapdummy.o
vers.o: ${SYSTEM_DEP:Ngap.o} ${SYSTEM_SWAP_DEP}
sh $S/conf/newvers.sh