# ex:ts=8 sw=4:
-# $OpenBSD: PackingElement.pm,v 1.216 2014/01/02 20:13:43 espie Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: PackingElement.pm,v 1.217 2014/01/03 13:12:35 espie Exp $
# Copyright (c) 2003-2010 Marc Espie <espie@openbsd.org>
sub category() { "vendor" }
+# XXX digital-signatures have to be unique, since they are a part
+# of the unsigned packing-list, with only the b64sig part removed
+# (likewise for vendor)
package OpenBSD::PackingElement::DigitalSignature;
our @ISA=qw(OpenBSD::PackingElement::Unique);
sub keyword() { 'digital-signature' }
sub category() { "digital-signature" }