-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.27 2006/05/28 23:55:42 cloder Exp $
+# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.28 2010/07/25 23:00:05 guenther Exp $
TEST_MODULES= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 \
- 23
+ 23 24 25
LINT= lint
.for i in ${TEST_MODULES}
--- /dev/null
+/* $OpenBSD: test-24.c,v 1.1 2010/07/25 23:00:05 guenther Exp $ */
+ * Placed in the public domain by Philip Guenther <guenther@openbsd.org>.
+ *
+ * Test _Bool handling.
+ * Based in part on test-19.c, by Chad Loder <cloder@openbsd.org>.
+ */
+ _Bool b1;
+ const _Bool b2 = 1;
+ _Bool const b3 = 0;
+ float fl = 4.3f;
+ _Bool *bp = &b1;
+ *bp = 3;
+ if (b1 > 1 ||
+ b2 < 0 ||
+ *bp > 1 ||
+ *bp < 0)
+ {
+ *bp = 0;
+ }
+ b1 = fl;
+void b1 (_Bool b){ b++; }
+void c1 (signed char c){ c++; }
+void uc1 (unsigned char uc) { uc++; }
+void s1 (short s) { s++; }
+void us1 (unsigned short us) { us++; }
+void i1 (int i) { i++; }
+void ui1 (unsigned int ui) { ui++; }
+void f1 (float f) { f++; }
+void l1 (long l) { l++; }
+void ul1 (unsigned long ul) { ul++; }
+void d1 (double d) { d++; }
+void ll1 (long long ll) { ll++; }
+void ull1 (unsigned long long ull) { ull++; }
+void ld1 (long double ld) { ld++; }
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ _Bool B = 1;
+ signed char C = 1;
+ unsigned char UC = 1;
+ short S = 1;
+ unsigned short US = 1;
+ int I = 1;
+ unsigned int UI = 1;
+ long L = 1;
+ unsigned long UL = 1;
+ long long LL = 1;
+ unsigned long long ULL = 1;
+ float F = 1.0f;
+ double D = 1.0;
+ long double LD = 1.0L;
+ f();
+ /* test with variables */
+ b1(B);
+ b1(C);
+ b1(UC);
+ b1(S);
+ b1(US);
+ b1(I);
+ b1(UI);
+ b1(L);
+ b1(UL);
+ b1(LL);
+ b1(ULL);
+ b1(F);
+ b1(D);
+ b1(LD);
+ c1(B);
+ uc1(B);
+ s1(B);
+ us1(B);
+ i1(B);
+ ui1(B);
+ f1(B);
+ l1(B);
+ ul1(B);
+ d1(B);
+ ll1(B);
+ ull1(B);
+ ld1(B);
+ /* now test with int constants */
+ b1(-1);
+ b1(0);
+ b1(1);
+ /* now test with long constants */
+ b1(-1L);
+ b1(0L);
+ b1(1L);
+ /* now test with float constants */
+ b1(-1.0f);
+ b1(0.0f);
+ b1(1.0f);
+ /* now test with double constants */
+ b1(-1.0);
+ b1(0.0);
+ b1(1.0);
+ /* now test with long double constants */
+ b1(-1.0L);
+ b1(0.0L);
+ b1(1.0L);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+test-24.c:22: warning: comparison of _Bool with 0, op <
+test-24.c:24: warning: comparison of _Bool with 0, op <
+test-24.c:29: warning: converted from 'float' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:15: warning: b3 set but not used in function f
+test-24.c:70: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'signed char' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:71: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'unsigned char' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:72: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'short' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:73: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'unsigned short' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:75: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'unsigned int' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:76: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'long' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:77: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'unsigned long' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:78: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'long long' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:79: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'unsigned long long' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:80: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'float' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:81: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'double' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:82: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'long double' to '_Bool'
+test-24.c:99: warning: b1() arg #1: conversion of negative constant to unsigned type
+test-24.c:104: warning: b1() arg #1: conversion of negative constant to unsigned type
+test-24.c:109: warning: b1() arg #1: conversion of 'float' to '_Bool' is out of range
+test-24.c:114: warning: b1() arg #1: conversion of 'double' to '_Bool' is out of range
+test-24.c:119: warning: b1() arg #1: conversion of 'long double' to '_Bool' is out of range
+Lint pass2:
--- /dev/null
+/* $OpenBSD: test-25.c,v 1.1 2010/07/25 23:00:05 guenther Exp $ */
+ * Placed in the public domain by Philip Guenther <guenther@openbsd.org>.
+ *
+ * Test _Complex handling, based on test-19.c
+ */
+#include <limits.h>
+#include <complex.h>
+ float f1;
+ double d1;
+ long double l1;
+ float _Complex fc1;
+ _Complex float fc2;
+ double _Complex dc1;
+ _Complex double dc2;
+ long double _Complex lc1;
+ double long _Complex lc2;
+ double _Complex long lc3;
+ long _Complex double lc4;
+ _Complex long double lc5;
+ _Complex double long lc6;
+ /* test type compatibility by mixing pointers */
+ if (&fc1 == &fc2)
+ return 0;
+ if (&dc1 == &dc2)
+ return 0;
+ if (&fc1 == &dc1 || &dc1 == &lc1 || &lc1 == &fc1)
+ return 1;
+ if (&__real__ fc1 == &f1 || &__imag__ fc1 == &f1 ||
+ &__real__ dc1 == &d1 || &__imag__ dc1 == &d1 ||
+ &__real__ lc1 == &l1 || &__imag__ lc1 == &l1)
+ return 1;
+ return (&lc1 != &lc2 && &lc1 != &lc3 && &lc1 != &lc4 &&
+ &lc1 != &lc5 && &lc1 != &lc6);
+void b1 (_Bool b){ b++; }
+void c1 (signed char c){ c++; }
+void uc1 (unsigned char uc) { uc++; }
+void s1 (short s) { s++; }
+void us1 (unsigned short us) { us++; }
+void i1 (int i) { i++; }
+void ui1 (unsigned int ui) { ui++; }
+void f1 (float f) { f++; }
+void l1 (long l) { l++; }
+void ul1 (unsigned long ul) { ul++; }
+void d1 (double d) { d++; }
+void ll1 (long long ll) { ll++; }
+void ull1 (unsigned long long ull) { ull++; }
+void ld1 (long double ld) { ld++; }
+void fc1 (float _Complex f) { f++; }
+void dc1 (double _Complex d) { d++; }
+void ldc1 (long double _Complex ld) { ld++; }
+main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ _Bool B = 1;
+ signed char C = 1;
+ unsigned char UC = 1;
+ short S = 1;
+ unsigned short US = 1;
+ int II = 1;
+ unsigned int UI = 1;
+ long L = 1;
+ unsigned long UL = 1;
+ long long LL = 1;
+ unsigned long long ULL = 1;
+ float F = 1.0f;
+ double D = 1.0;
+ long double LD = 1.0L;
+ float _Complex FC = 1.0f + I;
+ double _Complex DC = 1.0 + I;
+ long double _Complex LDC = 1.0L + I;
+ f();
+ /* test with variables */
+ b1(FC);
+ b1(DC);
+ b1(LDC);
+ c1(FC);
+ c1(DC);
+ c1(LDC);
+ uc1(FC);
+ uc1(DC);
+ uc1(LDC);
+ s1(FC);
+ s1(DC);
+ s1(LDC);
+ us1(FC);
+ us1(DC);
+ us1(LDC);
+ i1(FC);
+ i1(DC);
+ i1(LDC);
+ ui1(FC);
+ ui1(DC);
+ ui1(LDC);
+ f1(FC);
+ f1(DC);
+ f1(LDC);
+ l1(FC);
+ l1(DC);
+ l1(LDC);
+ ul1(FC);
+ ul1(DC);
+ ul1(LDC);
+ d1(FC);
+ d1(DC);
+ d1(LDC);
+ ll1(FC);
+ ll1(DC);
+ ll1(LDC);
+ ull1(FC);
+ ull1(DC);
+ ull1(LDC);
+ ld1(FC);
+ ld1(DC);
+ ld1(LDC);
+ fc1(B);
+ fc1(C);
+ fc1(UC);
+ fc1(S);
+ fc1(US);
+ fc1(II);
+ fc1(UI);
+ fc1(L);
+ fc1(UL);
+ fc1(LL);
+ fc1(ULL);
+ fc1(F);
+ fc1(D);
+ fc1(LD);
+ fc1(FC);
+ fc1(DC);
+ fc1(LDC);
+ dc1(B);
+ dc1(C);
+ dc1(UC);
+ dc1(S);
+ dc1(US);
+ dc1(II);
+ dc1(UI);
+ dc1(L);
+ dc1(UL);
+ dc1(LL);
+ dc1(ULL);
+ dc1(F);
+ dc1(D);
+ dc1(LD);
+ dc1(FC);
+ dc1(DC);
+ dc1(LDC);
+ ldc1(B);
+ ldc1(C);
+ ldc1(UC);
+ ldc1(S);
+ ldc1(US);
+ ldc1(II);
+ ldc1(UI);
+ ldc1(L);
+ ldc1(UL);
+ ldc1(LL);
+ ldc1(ULL);
+ ldc1(F);
+ ldc1(D);
+ ldc1(LD);
+ ldc1(FC);
+ ldc1(DC);
+ ldc1(LDC);
+ /* now test with int constants */
+ fc1(-1);
+ fc1(0);
+ fc1(1);
+ dc1(-1);
+ dc1(0);
+ dc1(1);
+ ldc1(-1);
+ ldc1(0);
+ ldc1(1);
+ /* now test with long constants */
+ fc1(-1L);
+ fc1(0L);
+ fc1(1L);
+ dc1(-1L);
+ dc1(0L);
+ dc1(1L);
+ ldc1(-1L);
+ ldc1(0L);
+ ldc1(1L);
+ /* now test with float constants */
+ fc1(-1.0f);
+ fc1(0.0f);
+ fc1(1.0f);
+ dc1(-1.0f);
+ dc1(0.0f);
+ dc1(1.0f);
+ ldc1(-1.0f);
+ ldc1(0.0f);
+ ldc1(1.0f);
+ /* now test with double constants */
+ fc1(-1.0);
+ fc1(0.0);
+ fc1(1.0);
+ dc1(-1.0);
+ dc1(0.0);
+ dc1(1.0);
+ ldc1(-1.0);
+ ldc1(0.0);
+ ldc1(1.0);
+ /* now test with long double constants */
+ fc1(-1.0L);
+ fc1(0.0L);
+ fc1(1.0L);
+ dc1(-1.0L);
+ dc1(0.0L);
+ dc1(1.0L);
+ ldc1(-1.0L);
+ ldc1(0.0L);
+ ldc1(1.0L);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+test-25.c:37: warning: illegal pointer combination, op ==
+test-25.c:37: warning: illegal pointer combination, op ==
+test-25.c:37: warning: illegal pointer combination, op ==
+test-25.c:90: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to '_Bool'
+test-25.c:91: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to '_Bool'
+test-25.c:92: warning: b1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to '_Bool'
+test-25.c:94: warning: c1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'signed char'
+test-25.c:95: warning: c1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'signed char'
+test-25.c:96: warning: c1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'signed char'
+test-25.c:98: warning: uc1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'unsigned char'
+test-25.c:99: warning: uc1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'unsigned char'
+test-25.c:100: warning: uc1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'unsigned char'
+test-25.c:102: warning: s1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'short'
+test-25.c:103: warning: s1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'short'
+test-25.c:104: warning: s1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'short'
+test-25.c:106: warning: us1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'unsigned short'
+test-25.c:107: warning: us1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'unsigned short'
+test-25.c:108: warning: us1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'unsigned short'
+test-25.c:110: warning: i1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'int'
+test-25.c:111: warning: i1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'int'
+test-25.c:112: warning: i1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'int'
+test-25.c:114: warning: ui1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'unsigned int'
+test-25.c:115: warning: ui1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'unsigned int'
+test-25.c:116: warning: ui1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'unsigned int'
+test-25.c:122: warning: l1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'long'
+test-25.c:123: warning: l1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'long'
+test-25.c:124: warning: l1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'long'
+test-25.c:126: warning: ul1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'unsigned long'
+test-25.c:127: warning: ul1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'unsigned long'
+test-25.c:128: warning: ul1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'unsigned long'
+test-25.c:134: warning: ll1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'long long'
+test-25.c:135: warning: ll1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'long long'
+test-25.c:136: warning: ll1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'long long'
+test-25.c:138: warning: ull1() arg #1: converted from 'float _Complex' to 'unsigned long long'
+test-25.c:139: warning: ull1() arg #1: converted from 'double _Complex' to 'unsigned long long'
+test-25.c:140: warning: ull1() arg #1: converted from 'long double _Complex' to 'unsigned long long'
+Lint pass2:
+f returns value which is always ignored