-$OpenBSD: README.ss,v 1.3 1997/03/10 02:28:46 kstailey Exp $
+$OpenBSD: README.ss,v 1.4 1997/03/11 02:34:25 kstailey Exp $
If you think SCSI tape drives are quirky you haven't seen anything.
Halftone control of scanners is missing, save for one pre-defined
selection. This also should be in the ioctl() interface.
+Basic workflow for scanning
+1. Open driver.
+2. ioctl to get parameters (this fills in default values and generally makes
+ step 3 easier.)
+3. Modify parameters.
+4. ioctl to set parameters.
+5. ioctl to get data size (same as step 2, but values will be different if
+ the image size, resolution, or image data type was set.)
+6. Read data based on size from scanner retrieved in step 5 (the driver
+ delivers an EOF if you overread.)
+7. Close driver (or use ioctl to reset it so you can scan again.)