Convert PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO_set() to X509_ALGOR_set0_by_nid()
This is a straightforward conversion because I'm not going to start a
cleanup here. Explain why this is not using X509_ALGOR_set_md(). See
ok jca
Let me include a beautiful note from RFC 5754 in its entirety:
NOTE: There are two possible encodings for the AlgorithmIdentifier
parameters field associated with these object identifiers. The two
alternatives arise from the loss of the OPTIONAL associated with the
algorithm identifier parameters when the 1988 syntax for
AlgorithmIdentifier was translated into the 1997 syntax. Later, the
OPTIONAL was recovered via a defect report, but by then many people
thought that algorithm parameters were mandatory. Because of this
history, some implementations encode parameters as a NULL element
while others omit them entirely. The correct encoding is to omit the
parameters field; however, when some uses of these algorithms were
defined, it was done using the NULL parameters rather than absent
parameters. For example, PKCS#1 [RFC3447] requires that the padding
used for RSA signatures (EMSA-PKCS1-v1_5) MUST use SHA2
AlgorithmIdentifiers with NULL parameters (to clarify, the
requirement "MUST generate SHA2 AlgorithmIdentifiers with absent
parameters" in the previous paragraph does not apply to this